EDMOND, Okla – Not long ago, members of The Rotary Club of Edmond were in a quandary. They had to find a temporary place to meet and had nowhere to go. Thanks to some quick-thinking and ingenuity, the club devised a solution that’s no longer a fast fix but now holds a popular spot in their program schedule.
It was springtime and Vacation Bible School was fast approaching at their regular meeting site, St. Luke’s United Methodist. The church needed Rotary’s space to accommodate hundreds of kids from the Edmond area. Recognizing the importance of the church’s service to the community, the club’s programming committee fielded a new idea to split the club into small groups at members’ places of business. Called Rotary Rotation, members are gaining insight into how others serve through their occupations.
“We could not be more pleased with how this turned out,” said Beth Case, club president. “Rotary Rotation is a great way to build engagement among members while allowing them to see the terrific work going on in front of their very eyes. We’re finding it’s a great way to gain understanding other than just learning about each other across the table at a regular meeting.”
Before each Rotation meeting, members have a chance to choose where they will meet from a list of participating businesses and nonprofits. The club caters and delivers meals, making it easier on the host location.
Rotary Rotation has occurred twice. Hosts have included The Edmond Police Department, The Genesis Project, Edmond Fine Arts Institute, Mitch Park YMCA – YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City, Edmond Fire Department and Epworth Villa.
During a recent rotation at Edmond Fine Arts Institute, club members toured the facility and learned many ways the institute impacts the community— from evening ceramics classes to an outdoor mural display along an adjacent alley. Rotarians learned how The City of Edmond sees increased business on evenings the institute’s VIBES program holds outdoor performances downtown.
Another group visited Epworth Villa where they were awed by the amenities and services of the senior living community. One club member kept repeating “Wow, just wow!”
The club had so much positive feedback after the first meeting, its membership committee decided to keep a good thing going. The idea that was born out of necessity was a win-win for the club and St. Luke’s which had a great turnout at VBS, too!

Members of The Rotary Club of Edmond learn about Edmond Fine Arts Institute’s outdoor
mural display. The institute is one of four locations visited by club members during their Rotary
Rotation on Aug. 24.
mural display. The institute is one of four locations visited by club members during their Rotary
Rotation on Aug. 24.