The Rotary Club of Edmond exceeded its fundraising goal by $500 to purchase clothes for Stan’s Closet at Edmond’s Sunset Elementary School. In all, the club raised $1,500 to purchase most-needed items for students such as underwear and sweatpants. Club member, Barry Bell and Sunset secretary, Ashley Corbett pose with boxes full of the donated clothes.

Edmond, Okla – Members of Rotary Club of Edmond beat their fundraising goal to help some Edmond children stay warm this winter.
The club raised $1,500 to stock Stan’s Closet at Sunset Elementary School in Edmond as part of a long-time community effort. The funds are used to provide clothes for students who may not be able to afford them. The club’s goal was to raise $1,000 but surpassed it by $500.
Community Service board member, Barry Bell organized this year’s drive and said he is excited the club exceeded its goal.
“We’re dealing with children. And children are products of the environment they are put in, I think, in general, and anything we can do to help that environment is a good thing and it rings true for the club and that’s why it’s very special for us,” Bell said.
Stan’s Closet is located inside the school, providing teachers and staff easy access to quickly take care of student needs. Many of the items purchased with the donations included most-needed clothes such as boys’ and girls’ sweatpants, track pants, and underwear. The clothes not only will help low-income children but will be provided to students in the event their clothes get damaged on the playground or because of other unexpected issues.
“Kids, they may have an accident in class, they fall in puddles, they have all kinds of things that can go wrong during recess. You have to have something like this for emergency situations,” Bell said. Rotary Club of Edmond has participated in the clothes drive for several years since former member Stan Kelley started the project. The effort has remained a sentimental club favorite ever since.
Bell said the effort is important to the club because it meets the Rotary four-way test which asks: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
The Rotary Club of Edmond currently meets at noon every Wednesday on St Luke's United Methodist, Edmond on I35 and Sooner Road and on Zoom. Guests are welcome.