Acts of Kindness
Rotary Club of Edmond Member Finds Way to Outfit Student Athletes for Success

Rotarian Begins Drive to Suit Up Athletes in Professional Attire
Rotarian Hunter Cottle works with Langston University Men's basketball coach to help senior athletes have professional attire for job fairs.
There were scholarships for food and other needs, but some players could not afford clothing for job interviews.
Anita Linet is working with the boys at The Genesis Project to grow four gardens for four groups. There are many lessons they will learn from science, mathematics, and horticulture.
Scott Copenbarger and his team at The Genesis Project is also working with teachers from Edmond Public Schools to develop educational lessons to support the project. They will begin planting within the next couple of weeks.
Krista Jones and her sorority, Edmond Betam and a Life.Church couples group bought numerous items off The Genesis Project Wish List.
What a great unsolicited effort!

Mark Lisle
Each week Rotarians spend time in a classroom reading to elementary students.

Carol Hartzog

Scissortail Elementary
Rotarians Anita Linet & Beth Case helped unload soil into flowerbeds at Scissortail Elementary

Chuck Musgrave was at Uptown where the Girl Scouts were selling cooking. After hearing about all their variety of cookies, he chose one, gave them a $20, and told them to keep the change. It was a big hit.
Later that same week at Walmart he got his cart and noticed another shopper struggling trying to get a cart from a bunch that were locked together so he gave him his cart.
Tim Richardson helped deliver 600 pounds food with his church to a local elementary school.
Hunter Cottle stopped and gave his ice scraper to a person on the roadside.
Marlon James purchased (3) $25 gift cards and gave them to individuals (high schoolers) he never met before and let them know he was paying it forward.
Les Sparks paid for someone's items at a Dollar General.
Carol Hartzog offers voluntary after school church services to kids at Central Middle School.

Rotary Club of Edmond, Beth Case, challenged each member of the club to give us 5 acts of kindness in the last 5 months of her term and the club has responded!