Due to expected inclement weather, we have made the decision to cancel this week's meeting.  We look forward to seeing you next week to hear Brian Preston present the state of the real estate market.  Come back on April 9th to hear Tami Shaw's presentation.
NO MEETING - FEBRUARY 12 2025-02-11 06:00:00Z 0

Service Project - Edmond Mobile Meals

The Rotary Club of Edmond was proud to partner with Edmond Mobile Meals on Wednesday, January 29th, to deliver 174 meals across 11 routes—rain or shine! We were especially honored to have our District Governor, Jack Werner, and District Governor Nominee, Michael Trewitt, join us in our efforts to serve the community.
Service Project - Edmond Mobile Meals 2025-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Gifts Musical Instruments and Books to Scissortail Elementary

The Rotary Club of Edmond recently presented a generous gift to Scissortail Elementary School, providing a significant boost to the school’s music program and library.
The donation of musical instruments was made possible by the Club's Foundation alongside a grant from Rotary District 5750. The musical instruments, which include base bars, metallophones, glockenspiels, tubanos, and xylophones, will enhance the school’s music education program. Meg Womack, the school’s music teacher, expressed her gratitude, stating, “We now have the newest and best instruments for elementary school music classes in the district.”
In addition to the musical instruments, the Rotary Club fulfilled a $700 book wish list from the school’s librarian, Larissa Spear. Each week, a Club speaker will sign one of the books with an inspirational message, and the signed book will be returned to the school as a lasting memento.
A group of Club members also contributed $1,000 to support students in need. These funds will be used to purchase socks, underwear, and coats for students who require additional clothing.
Natalie Bonney, Foundation Chair of the Rotary Club of Edmond, shared her enthusiasm for the partnership with Scissortail Elementary: “Our relationship with Scissortail Elementary has been truly special. As a new school with many needs, we’ve been honored to support them. Working with Principal Jamilla Crawford has been an inspiring experience. She is an exceptional leader who is making a profound impact on the lives of her students.”
The Rotary Club of Edmond meets every Wednesday at noon at St. Luke’s Methodist Church in Edmond. Guests are always welcome.
About the Rotary Club of Edmond The Rotary Club of Edmond is a service organization dedicated to making a positive impact on the community. Through various initiatives, the club supports local schools, charities, and international

From Left: Chris Berry, Beth Case, Andy Conyers, Rotary Club of Edmond, President, Anita Linet, Larissa Spear, Meg Womack, Natalie Bonney
Rotary Club of Edmond Gifts Musical Instruments and Books to Scissortail Elementary Beth Case 2024-12-12 06:00:00Z 0

Oktoberfest Provides Rotary Club of Edmond an Opportunity to Serve and Raise Money for Scholarships

The Rotary Club of Edmond enjoyed a little Oktoberfest and raised some money at the same time. 
Several club members spent a full day and evening October 5 at Frenzy Brewing Company in downtown Edmond preparing Bratz, sauerkraut, hot pretzels and sides for patrons visiting the annual celebration.

Frenzy Brewing Company has partnered with our club for a second year, offering discounted beer and a special meal for those who wanted a little food with their brews! Frenzy offered a special Oktoberfest Festbier for the occasion.
Rotary Club of Edmond raised more than $1,700 for student scholarships.

Frenzy also allowed our club to raise funds and serve food on St. Patrick’s Day.
We appreciate the business’s support and those who came out to enjoy the celebration while helping young scholars at the same time.
Rotarians also volunteered at the Miracle League at Edmond’s Mitch Park on October 14. The event gives families of baseball players with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy the game without the responsibility of helping on the field. Rotarians helped snag balls in the outfield and provided a lot of encouragement to the players in the long-standing league. The field is designed specifically for people with disabilities.

Rotarians will be back on the field October 24 to assist other teams. If you would like to experience the event and find fulfillment and purpose, contact Amy Hollis. Ask anyone who has participated, and you will hear stories of inspiration and pleasant surprises at how the event has a positive effect on their lives.
Oktoberfest Provides Rotary Club of Edmond an Opportunity to Serve and Raise Money for Scholarships 2024-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Rotation July 30, 2024

In the spirit of "ROTARY" the Rotary Club of Edmond visited local business to learn more about how they help our community.  We enjoyed our time at the Armstrong Auditorium and Visit Edmond & the Edmond Conference Center.  
Rotarians pose for a photo before beginning the Armstrong Auditorium
Rotarians enjoy learning about the partnership of Visit Edmond and the Edmond Conference Center.
Rotary Rotation July 30, 2024 2024-07-30 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Installs New Board of Directors

Local community leaders were recently installed to the 2024-2025 Rotary Club of Edmond Board of Directors. Rotary District 5750 Governor Jack Werner was on hand to install the new officers on July 10.
Outgoing president, Chris Berry ceremoniously passed the gavel to incoming president Andy Conyers who was installed as president. Conyers is the assistant city manager of administration for the City of Edmond. Conyers embraced the Rotary theme, “The Magic of Rotary” and thanked club members for their support.
President-Elect, Hunter Cottle of Edward Jones; Secretary, Whitney Randall of Citizens Bank; and Treasurer, Chris Koehler of Price Mortgage were also installed. Janet Yowell of Edmond Economic Authority and James Boggs EVP with Sovereign Bank were slated for Club Service. Community Service will be led by Anita Linet, retired technology professional; retired business owner, Chuck Musgrave will lead vocational service. He served as the club’s international chair last year. 
Mike Sanders, retired law enforcement, will serve another term as sergeant at arms. Rounding out the board is long-time club member and C.P.A. Natalie Bonney who will serve as chair of the Rotary Foundation. CPA and financial advisor, Rhett Schuman is membership chairperson and Christine Meredith of Oklahoma Christian University will continue to lead our scholarship committee. Amy Hollas returns as the Club’s Executive Secretary.
Highlights of the installation was recognition of over 20 of the Club’s past presidents; the awarding of the George Mikesell award to Anita Linet for exemplary “Service Above Self;” and The Rotary Club of Edmond 4 Way Test recognition to Edmond business, Frenzy Brewing Company. The award honors a business that meets the essence of the 4 Way Test for ethics in business relationships.
The Rotary Club of Edmond currently meets at noon every Wednesday at St Luke's Methodist, Edmond on I35 and Sooner Road. Guests are welcome.
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Rotary District 5750 Governor, Jack Werner installs Rotary Club of Edmond’s new president, Any Conyers during a club ceremony on July 10, 2024.
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Two outstanding examples of community service, Mike Sanders and Anita Linet pose after Linet received the coveted George Mikesell award for “Service Above Self.” The award was presented during a club ceremony on July 10, 2024.
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Community members, Jeremy Estle and Matt Conner of Frenzy Brewing Company receive the “4 Way Test” award from club member, Mike Sanders. The annual Rotary Club of Edmond award recognizes a business that exemplifies ethical excellence. The award was presented during a club ceremony on July 10, 2024.
Rotary Club of Edmond Installs New Board of Directors Scott Coppenbarger 2024-07-23 05:00:00Z 0

Meeting at EPS Admin Building This Wednesday

This week, Wednesday, June 19th at noon, join Rotary Club of Edmond as they welcome Joe Echelle with the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority.  This will be an offsite meeting at Edmond Public Schools Administration Building at Danforth & Kelly (1001 W Danforth, Edmond, OK). Park in the parking lot right off Danforth on the south side of the building and enter through the south entrance.
Joe Echelle is the director of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority and oversees an agency responsible for maintaining 630 miles of turnpikes throughout Oklahoma.  Click here to learn more about Joe.
Meeting at EPS Admin Building This Wednesday 2024-06-17 05:00:00Z 0

Trivia at Rankin YMCA

Rotary Club of Edmond is having it's annual Trivia Fundraiser at Rankin YMCA Wednesday, June 5th.  Come play for a good cause and a chance to win prizes.
Trivia at Rankin YMCA  2024-06-04 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Hits the Road and the Greens, Plus Helps Make Miracles

Rotarians Practice “Service Above Self” across the City

Rotary Club of Edmond members continued their tradition of Service Above Self by hitting the ballfields to help baseball players with disabilities, collecting trash along a city thoroughfare, and planning a Spring golfing fundraiser.

The official start of Spring started at Mitch Field as Rotarians snagged balls and provided encouragement to players with physical and mental disabilities on April 9.

Rotarians supported a partnership between The Miracle League of Edmond and the YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City by assisting players on a custom, adaptive field and pairing up with a “Buddy” athlete during the games. Rotarians helped field balls and coached players on the field while the athletes’ parents sat back and watched the games. The activity allowed parents to take a break from their caregiver roles and simply enjoy the activities.

The Miracle League allows each athlete to play during every inning, regardless of their disabilities.

Rotarians will be back on the field with new buddies on April 25 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Club members then hit the road on Saturday, April 13 to clean up a stretch of S. Bryant Ave. Carrying black garbage bags and wearing gloves, members picked up trash along the road between 15th Street and Danforth Road.

Club members brought along family members along with several boys from The Genesis Project, a residential treatment facility for boys who have been abused and neglected, to learn about community service.

The effort was part of The City of Edmond’s Adopt-A-Street program, which is administered by Edmond Public Works and Edmond Beautiful.

Volunteers from various civic groups and other organizations make a two-year commitment to adopt one mile of a roadway and make it shine throughout the year.

The stretch along Bryant passes Kickingbird Golf Course, the site of the 2024 Rotary Club of Edmond Golf Tournament.

Rotary Club of Edmond is seeking sponsorships for the tourney which takes place on May 29 beginning with lunch at noon followed by a start time at 1 p.m. Awards will be presented at 6 p.m.

The event allows companies and individuals to sponsor a hole for $250. If you would like to sponsor a hole or participate in the event, please contact Amy Hollas via email at

Kickingbird Gold Course is located at 1600 E. Danforth Rd.
Rotary Club of Edmond friends and family celebrated a time of serving others at Edmond’s Mitch Park during a game of The Miracle League of Edmond. Rotarians buddied-up with players who have disabilities on April 9 to snag balls and provide encouragement so the athletes’ parents could simply enjoy the game.
Rotary Club of Edmond’s Whitney Randall teamed up with her daughter “Hay Hay” during an evening serving others at Mitch Park’s Miracle League on April 9. The Miracle League paired baseball players with disabilities and Rotarians who helped snag balls and provided encouragement. Randall said the activity taught her daughter the importance of volunteering.
Members of the Rotary Club of Edmond display their hard work after gathering trash along S. Bryant Ave. The team was one of several who participated in the city’s Adopt-A-Street program on April 13.
Boys from The Genesis Project participated in the Rotary Club of Edmond’s trash cleanup along S. Bryant on April 13. The effort was part of the city’s Adopt-A-Street program which helps keep the roadway beautiful. The Genesis Project is a residential treatment facility for boys who have been abused and neglected.
Rotary Club of Edmond Hits the Road and the Greens, Plus Helps Make MiraclesRotarians Practice “Service Above Self” across the City Scott Coppenbarger 2024-04-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Finds Success in Outfitting Athletes at Langston University

A Rotary Club of Edmond member is seeing great response to his efforts to outfit Langston University athletes for success.
Langston’s basketball coach, Chris Wright and Rotarian Hunter Cottle recognized the need for student athletes to wear business suits to make the best impression
during job recruitment events and interviews. Hunter began a personal mission last Spring to collect used suits for players well over six feet tall. Since then, he has received more than 35 suits, and several shirts and dress pants.
“The suits filled the back seat of my truck from top to bottom with these clothes,” Cottle said.
Cottle found it amazing that others are writing checks to Langston to contribute to a suit fund for new suits—an ultimate goal for his campaign. He’s hoping he
can raise enough money to buy four to eight suits each year.
Cottle is grateful for the donations but says he still needs suits for athletes over six feet five inches tall.
“I am very thankful for the outpouring of donations,” Cottle said.
If you would like to donate suits or buy new ones, contact Cottle by email at rotarysuits4langston@gmail.comClick here to see the news story.
The latest delivery of suits included 25 suits, 15 shirts, 6 sweaters and a few ties. 
Rotarian Finds Success in Outfitting Athletes at Langston University 2024-02-22 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Member Finds Way to Outfit Student Athletes for Success

Rotary Club of Edmond Member Finds Way to Outfit Student Athletes for Success
Rotarian Begins Drive to Suit Up Athletes in Professional Attire
It was springtime on Langston University’s campus, and it was busy. After a historical basketball season that ended with a 31-3 record and 20-2 in the conference last year, the Lions won the Conference Championship for the first time and went to the NAIA Sweet 16. The campus was electric as students prepared for finals and seniors focused on the
post-college job search.
Despite the athletic success, the basketball team’s coach, Chris Wright, expressed concern about his players to his longtime friend, Hunter Cottle, a member of Rotary Club of Edmond. Wright’s senior players were at a disadvantage. “One of the things he was concerned about was that these kids were showing up to the job fair without professional attire,”
Cottle said.
There were scholarships for food and other needs, but some players could not afford clothing for job interviews.
“We were just talking. I asked, what are these guys wearing? He said they wear what they can. It’s usually not up to par with what I would wear into the office every day,” Cottle said.
Wright said a lot of his players are first-generation college students, like he was. He understands their predicament.
“There’s a lot of things I wasn’t exposed to that I didn’t have. I think a lot of our guys are in the same boat,” Wright said.
Cottle said he left that day and thought, well, I’m six-foot-two. I’m not six-foot-seven by any means, but I’ve got some friends, let me ask around.”
That was Cottle’s first step in his new journey to create an act of kindness encouraged by Rotary Club of Edmond’s emphasis on members performing random acts of kindness in the community.
Cottle, a financial advisor for Edward Jones, approached his friends at every opportunity. Eight months later, a vacant office space at his business held 15 suits.
Coach Wright asked Hunter to deliver the suits to the locker room while the players were there.
“I was beyond honored. Really my goal is that eventually, we are buying these kids new suits so they leave college with something they can take out into the work force.”
The suits will be available for athletes at the end of the spring semester this year. Any suits not used will be moved to the university’s career closet for all students.
“I saw a need, and I wouldn’t want to be in that position. And that’s where, as a Rotarian, I think that’s part of our job to go out and help people be better and help better them by giving them a fishing pole to go catch the food. If we’re not giving them fishing poles to go catch the food, we are really putting them at a disadvantage.”
Cottle’s end goal for this year is to find suits that fit the seniors. Eventually, he would like to find the means to purchase new suits.
“If we can get them for the whole team, that would be great. I think if we could pay for four to eight suits each year, that’s four to eight people who are going in confident and prepared. We’ve got to get them in front of the right people to get the job,” he said.
For now, Cottle is seeing how things work out with the first round of his effort but is dreaming for the future.
“If I could get people to get on board and provide more capital, I’d be willing to push this thing to where we can better these kids’ lives.”
That attitude is just one reason Wright thinks Cottle’s impact on the basketball program is “off the charts.”
“We talk a lot in our program about being unselfish. Hunter really embodies that quality. I know our guys really appreciate him. I think it’s a great example to them and really to everyone in how to help other people. I’m extremely grateful for his friendship,” he said.
If you would like to donate suits or buy new ones, contact Cottle by email at
This was featured on Fox News.  Click here to watch.
Rotary Club of Edmond’s Hunter Cottle and his daughter, Finley, take in a men’s basketball game at Langston University. Cottle began a drive to collect men’s suits so players could attend employment recruiting events in professional attire.
Rotary Club of Edmond Member Finds Way to Outfit Student Athletes for Success Scott Coppenbarger 2024-01-21 06:00:00Z 0

Ringing In Birthdays and Bells to Give Back

There’s a benefit to becoming older each year and the Edmond community is the beneficiary.

Rotary Club of Edmond is in its second year of a unique birthday club that raises funds for its foundation to support community efforts and projects. The birthday club has raised thousands of dollars and the effort is now a more consistent source of income for the organization.
“We did it several years ago,” said Natalie Bonney, the board member who oversees Edmond Rotary Club Foundation Inc. “We thought a birthday club was a good way to recognize its participants on the Rotary Club of Edmond’s birthday in March.”
So, in 2022, members revived the effort and began collecting a dollar for every year of a person’s age. Since then, the foundation has collected more than $3,300 from participants. 31 members were recognized on the club’s birthday this year.
“It has had a good response. We wanted it to be kind of a fun thing and show appreciation,” Bonney said.
Bonney said some people even round up their contributions for more of an impact.
The club’s birthday is March 28. Rotary Club of Edmond was chartered in 1938. During this year’s celebration, participants were recognized with specially made cookies.
Rotary Club of Edmond also enjoyed its annual tradition of ringing bells for The Salvation Army. 
About 35 members took shifts at both of the city’s Walmarts on I-35 and Danforth and Kelly on December 13. 
It was a full day of fulfilling the club’s motto of “Serve Above Self” and helped raise hundreds of dollars in donations. Members rang bells from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Rotary Club of Edmond president, Chris Berry rings a bell for The Salvation Army’s annual kettle drive at the I-35 Walmart in Edmond on December 13.
Rotary Club of Edmond member, Whitney Randall rings a bell for The Salvation Army’s annual kettle drive at the Danforth and Kelly Walmart in Edmond on December 13.
Rotary Club of Edmond member, Tom Rosser rings a bell for The Salvation Army’s annual kettle drive at the Danforth and Kelly Walmart in Edmond on December 13.
Rotary Club of Edmond members, Kathy Reeser and Randy Taylor ring bells for The Salvation Army’s annual kettle drive at the I-35 Walmart in Edmond on December 13.
Ringing In Birthdays and Bells to Give Back Scott Coppenbargar 2023-12-18 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Supports Signature Autumn Events

EDMOND, Okla – Rotary Club of Edmond continued a busy Autumn season of service by volunteering at the city’s premier biking event Cycle 66, having fun with trick-or-treaters at Edmond’s community trunk-or-treat event and serving hot chocolate at Deck the Downtown.
3 members participated by dressing up, decorating their booth with a festive theme, and handed out yummy treats to a huge crowd at the annual Trunk or Treat event at Mitch Park. 
The event took place on Saturday, October 28 at the Multi Activity Center in Mitch Park. 
“It was estimated that thousands of people in and around the Edmond community came out to the event. We handed out several buckets of candy and had great community engagement. It was a great opportunity for Rotary to help bring smiles and holiday entertainment to so many families.”
Besides enjoying decorated booths and candy, children played games, and had lots of food truck options at the free event. 
Members of Rotary Club of Edmond decorated booths and handed out candy at Mitch Park’s annual Trunk or Treat event. The event was held Saturday, Oct. 28.
The City of Edmond became a bicycle enthusiast’s perfect place to hit the Mother Road on Sunday, November 5, 2023. More than 700 cyclists from 12 states enjoyed top-notch touring and racing, and experienced a place known for its active community full of local merchants waiting to share in the fun and adventure. 
Rotary Club of Edmond members volunteered at the 3rd Annual Cycle 66 SAG wagon along historic Route 66 which provided food, drink and other assistance to cyclists in need. One club member brought boys from The Genesis Project, a local residential treatment center for abused boys, to volunteer. The event helped the boys learn to return the favor of support to a community that cares for them throughout the year.
Jennifer Thornton, Rotarian, Cycle 66 Board Chair and Edmond Tourism Director, said the event was a success. "This is one of the best events in Edmond.  We’re riding for a purpose and gearing up for the Route 66 Centennial in 2026.” 
The Cycle 66 urban/rural bicycling tour began and ended in downtown Edmond, featuring four distinct routes and a criterium race. All registration fees were donated to three charities: Oklahoma Route 66 Association, Bike Club and the Velo Cycling Club.  
A group of people in purple shirtsDescription automatically generated
Boys from The Genesis Project residential treatment center hand out Cycle 66 patches to participants of the event’s criterium race. By volunteering, they learned to give back to a community that gives to them. The event was held Nov. 5 in downtown Edmond.
Starting a new tradition, the City of Edmond hosted a Deck the Downtown and Festival Marketplace on Tuesday, November 14, 2023. Many people showed up to see the lighting of the Christmas tree and enjoy hot chocolate, s’mores, crafts, photos with Mr. & Mrs. Clause and more. Six Rotarians served over 650 cups of hot chocolate to those in attendance.
Rotarians serve hot chocolate at Deck the Downtown on Tuesday, November 14.
Rotary Club of Edmond Supports Signature Autumn Events Scott Coppenbarger 2023-11-17 06:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotarians Serve up Oktoberfest Frenzy

The energizing sounds of an oompah band and spontaneous dancing were highlights of our fundraising effort at Edmond’s Frenzy Brewing but to get a real taste of the event, you needed some brats, sauerkraut, potato salad and two types of pretzels!
The Rotary Club of Edmond joined the fun on Saturday, October 14 to add flavor to the brewery’s Oktoberfest celebration and make some money for club projects.
By purchasing a blue Rotary cup, patrons could get a 16-ounce beer for the regular 12-ounce price at the bar. Guests had the option of buying a traditional German meal, thanks to the extensive prep work of our own Mike Sanders and fellow Rotarians who took shifts to serve the delicious menu all day.
Edmond Rotarians Serve up Oktoberfest Frenzy 2023-10-18 05:00:00Z 0


Members of The Rotary Club of Edmond volunteer to be “buddies” for the baseball program – only to find they may benefit the most.
EDMOND, Okla – It’s a warm night in September and the boys (and girls) of summer are taking the field at Mitch Park in Edmond. It’s the Cubs versus the Red Sox and the stands are full of cheering fans – mainly parents and friends who’ve watched these teams play time and time again. 
There are runs, strikes, and outs like any typical game, but no matter the outcome, when the game is over, there’s always a win for both sides. It’s the Miracle League of Edmond. Everyone is a winner every time. 
Sheryl Evans and Dana Helton watch the Red Sox like they did 15 years ago, when their sons, Tyler, 22, and Matthew, 23, took the field for The Miracle League the first time. They can’t say enough how they appreciate the program and the opportunities it presents people with disabilities. 
“It’s getting to be outdoors, being around friends and being able to play a sport like a typical kid,” Evans said. 
The Miracle League is a baseball program for people with disabilities of all kinds partnering with The YMCA of Greater Oklahoma. Teams play on a custom, adaptive field instead of on grass, no one keeps score, and everyone bats twice in the two-inning game. But what everyone considers a highlight of play is that every player has a buddy alongside during the games. 
On this night, it’s the Rotary Club of Edmond on the field for a double header. Their roles are pretty simple. With gloves ready to help snag and stop balls, buddies help keep the play alive while encouraging players and protecting them from injury. 
“This is a real joy to watch these guys and girls let loose and have fun. The crowd is in the game and the moments we get to experience with the players are priceless,” said Anita Linet, one of the Rotary buddies. 
Mike Korenblit, who coaches the Cardinals South team which played in the second game of the evening echoed the sentiment. His son Josh, 37, is a longtime player who loves meeting new buddies. 
“All he does is talk about it as he plays in left field,” Korenblit said. “The reason our players like buddies playing with them is that they are showing them they can have fun like everyone else. What’s incredible is what the buddies get out of it.” 
Any Rotarian buddy will tell you that’s true. It’s more than serving the community and living up to the club motto, “Service Above Self.” Somehow, it turns out club members seem to benefit the most. 
“If people could see these kids for one 24-hour period, it would make the world a better place. Because these kids, no matter who they are, make people around them feel special,” Korenblit said. 
Everyone wins and miracles are always in play. 
Members of The Miracle League’s Cardinals South team celebrate a victory at Edmond’s Mitch Park. Every team wins every time in the YMCA baseball program for people with disabilities.
The Rotary Club of Edmond members pose after a night of being volunteer baseball “buddies” for The Miracle League of Edmond. For two decades, the YMCA program has supported people with disabilities.
EVERYONE WINS AT THE MIRACLE LEAGUE Scott Coppenbarger 2023-10-17 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Supports Cycle 66

Pictured L to R: JD Younger, Jennifer Thornton, Mayor Darrell Davis, Chris Berry, Ashley Crall
Rotary Club of Edmond was excited to welcome key members of the Cycle 66 committee to learn more about this upcoming race. We are excited to watch this event grow and support our local community.
Rotary Club of Edmond Supports Cycle 66 2023-10-04 05:00:00Z 0

Scissortail Elementary and Community to Enjoy New Playground Improvements

EDMOND, Okla – When temperatures started reaching the one hundred degree mark this summer, the new playground at Scissortail Elementary School in Edmond laid bare to the scorching elements. There was no shade and no place to sit until new metal picnic tables arrived. Plans were to nurture a new educational garden but the only way to water it was for students to use their own water bottles. Relief has now arrived – thanks to a grant funded by Rotary District 5750 and monies provided by Edmond Rotary Club and Foundation.
“Here sat a beautiful, new school but the places to take a break and learn needed shelter from the sun, additional seating and water for the garden. Autumn was fast approaching. We knew it would still be very hot at the beginning of the school year. We needed to take action,” said Chris Berry, president of Rotary Club of Edmond.
The situation became even clearer when Rotary volunteers were helping with seeds and supplies for the garden. They determined that carting water in bottles was not an efficient option. Looking around, they could only imagine kids and educational staff having to sit on the hot ground, or not use the playground area at all because of no shelter from the heat.
“We spoke with the school principal who pointed out the obvious and we decided a solution would be to pursue a Rotary grant,” said Beth Case, past president, who spurred the effort.
The grant and local club funds provide about seven-thousand dollars for grounds improvements, including umbrellas for outdoor picnic tables, two benches, a portable irrigation system for the garden, two water stations, and a special “Buddy Bench.” The Buddy Bench is a place for students to sit if they don’t have anyone to play with. When a child sits there, other students are encouraged to be his or her buddy to promote a sense of belonging, a core value of the school, which emphasizes building connections where all are welcomed, accepted and safe.
The community project also aligned with Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self” and a recent club campaign to do acts of kindness. 
Scissortail Elementary opened in the Fall of 2022 and serves children through the fifth grade. It houses administration, a media center, cafeteria and a beautiful gym. This year when students arrived to school, they found a much more comfortable playground that matched the efforts made on the inside. And instead of the water bottles, garden caregivers are now able to use a portable water tank on wheels to provide moisture.
The improvements were also planned for the benefit of the school’s neighbors, embracing the school’s creed of welcoming others to their community.
Rotary Club of Edmond president, Chris Berry and a student check out the new metal bench at Edmond’s Scissortail Elementary School. The bench provides much needed seating on the school’s grounds and the portable irrigation system allows for more efficient watering of an educational garden.
Leaders of Edmond Rotary club and principal of Scissortail Elementary School show off new seating and irrigation systems that provide water for a new campus garden and seating for a once-barren space. Pictured, l to r, Beth Case, Past President, Edmond Rotary Club; Jamila Crawford, Principal, Scissortail Elementary School; Chris Berry, President, Rotary Club of Edmond.
Edmond’s Scissortail Elementary School principal, Jamia Crawford and Rotary Club of Edmond’s president, Chris Berry, show off a new Buddy Bench on the school’s playground. The Buddy Bench is a place for students to sit if they don’t have anyone to play with. When a child sits there, other students are encouraged to be his or her buddy to promote a sense of belonging
Edmond’s Scissortail Elementary principal, Jamila Crawford and Rotary Club of Edmond’s president, Chris Berry work with a student to show off a new bench for seating on the school’s updated playground.
Scissortail Elementary and Community to Enjoy New Playground Improvements Scott Coppenbarger 2023-09-26 05:00:00Z 0

Creating Hope By Supporting Non-Profits

This group recently played in the Ministries of Jesus golf tournament. Creating HOPE in our community by supporting another local non-profit.
Pictured Left to Right: Chris Goodwin, James Boggs, JD Younger, Mike Sanders
Creating Hope By Supporting Non-Profits 2023-09-05 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond President is Banking on Hope - Community Already Sees Action

Each year, Rotarians around the world get excited about the new year’s Rotary theme. In January, Rotary International president, R. Gordon R. McInally, revealed his theme for 2024: “Create Hope in the World.” When club materials were unveiled for presidents-elect in March, Rotary Club of Edmond’s president-elect, Chris Berry, couldn’t wait to
get to work.
First, Berry modified the theme for Edmond: “Hope! Creating Hope in Our Community.” Then, he immediately embarked on making hope a priority for his tenure. He’d seen his community change during the COVID-19 pandemic and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.
“COVID was definitely one of those knock-out punches that hit everybody. We’ve seen a lot of people bounce back from it
and they’re still bouncing back from the impact of it,” Berry said.
As district executive director at YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City, he saw the pandemic’s impact first-hand.
“For me, I think where I’ve seen the biggest impact is going to be on kids. They lost so much by not being able to go to school, to see their friends or participate in activities. And what we’re seeing now, not that we’re completely back to normal, but we’re starting to see some normalcy. Hopefully, we can overcome some of the negative we’ve seen over the last few years.”
Berry can’t put an exact finger on COVID’s effects, but he notices a difference in youth who attend the Y.
“It just seems like the kids are different during the last three to four years than I’d seen previously— not in a good or bad way—it’s just you see some of the impact that’s taking place in their lives. I don’t know if they don’t have hope, but I think whatever we can do to create and add more hope in their lives, to me, is something that doesn’t put a limit on the future,” he said.
The pandemic also had an impact on club participation in the community and the level of giving by members. So, Berry looked at the club’s community efforts and saw an opportunity to rebuild.
“There were five or six organizations we were able to support with grants. We were able to give out more scholarships to high school seniors, I would like to see us get back to the level of giving that we were previously able to do for our community,” he said.
Berry has already seen action in just a short time. Recently, the club, with the help of a community grant, raised funds and volunteers to provide equipment and supplies for its adopted school, Scissortail Elementary. Rotary volunteers also helped build a garden for students there.
And, thanks to a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and a local foundation which matched funds, the club provided support to Edmond Public Schools Foundation’s “DonorsChoose” program. The club funded 50 projects submitted by teachers in the district.
Berry is also frequently incorporating hope into meeting programs. At least twice a month, he brings in speakers from organizations which provide hope to their stakeholders. One of the first speakers was renowned hope science researcher, Chan Hellman, from the University of Oklahoma. Hellman’s research is being used around the world and in several
Oklahoma institutions.
If anyone knows how hope works and how to give it, it’s Berry. One example is through his work at the YMCA where his team creates pathways to hope by providing opportunities to witness sports at the highest level, whether it’s through attending Oklahoma City Thunder or Dodgers games or taking young kids to see high school stars.
“We want them to know that “Hey, we’ve got a future. That could be me in a few years if I do the right things,” he said.
Berry believes building pathways to hope in the community through providing opportunity and support will steer the club on the right track.
“We’ve got a club made up of a lot of awesome members. And we have the power to truly change the tide and create more hope, I think, for everybody in our community—whether it’s for youth and adults— even if it’s for each other. So, I think if we come together and put our minds to it and are willing to work for it, we can make an incredible difference,” he said.
Hope can be found at Rotary Club of Edmond each Wednesday at St. Luke’s Methodist in Edmond. The program begins at noon.
Rotary Club of Edmond President is Banking on Hope - Community Already Sees Action Scott Coppenbarger 2023-08-15 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Funds Teachers Projects

Midway through last Rotary year the Rotary Club of Edmond began a collaboration with the Edmond Public Schools Foundation.  The Club proposed to join with them to complete DonorsChoose projects in Edmond Schools.
EPSF monitors projects that teachers in the Edmond School system submit to DonorsChoose.   They then notify the Club about the projects.  When we decide to complete a project, we send funds to EPSF and they forward them on to DonorsChoose.
Rotary Club of Edmond's goal is to see that as many projects as possible get completed.    To make this feasible, the club set as criteria that the Club would cover no more than ½ of the funds needed and that the project had to have received some meaningful support from others.  Special attention is given to projects that are eligible for matching funds from other organizations.
The trial worked really well and the 2023-2024 Board instituted the project as an official Club Community Service Project.
When we fund a teacher’s project, the following is placed on the project funding synopsis locally and nationally:
This new year began with a BANG.  Not only did the school year begin with many teachers posting projects, but on very short notice the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced that for one day only, the Foundation would match 50% of any donations made.
A Gates Match does not guarantee that a project gets completed, only that donations made will be matched.  If the project does not complete, the donation goes away.
With the match, the Club was initially able to complete 3 projects each for the two elementary schools the Club has an ongoing relationship with.
Then EPSF showed us how the Gates match was garnering support for a number of projects, making them eligible under our criteria for completion.  So, the Club set about rounding up additional funding to increase our capacity to get more projects completed.  
EPSF continued to feed us projects until the whistle blew at 4:45 pm and the Match ended.
The final result was that we were able to complete 40 teacher projects benefitting 6,215 students.  Each teacher and teacher’s assistant, each school principal and staff, and often each school’s PTA officers learned that the Edmond Rotary Club was serious about community involvement and service.
Rotary Club of Edmond Funds Teachers Projects CM 2023-08-09 05:00:00Z 0

Community Recognition Day

From outstanding students to community heroes, The Rotary Club of Edmond recognized several outstanding club members and citizens during our Community Recognition Day on May 10th.
Community Recognition Day Scott Coppenbarger 2023-06-16 05:00:00Z 0

Edmond Residents Benefit from Acts of Kindness


EDMOND, Okla – Not long ago, someone at an Edmond grocery store discovered a five-dollar bill behind a can of vegetables. A business card accompanied it with a message: “Rotary Loves Edmond – This act of kindness brought to you by Rotary Club of Edmond – Service Above Self.”

Throughout the city, residents are discovering other surprises, from one member giving his ice scraper to a stranger in need to another Rotarian giving his shopping cart to a person struggling to get two carts unstuck.  Though simple and random, they are deliberate acts of kindness encouraged by the club’s president, Beth Case.   

"This idea is not new to our club,” Case said. “We have done this effort in the past. But with an economy posing challenges and the world coming out of COVID, we just feel people need to know there are other people who care. You never know what the person standing next to you is going through. We can be the people whose kindness encourages someone to not give up.”

So, not long ago, Case encouraged her club to take the acts of kindness cards and get busy performing five acts of kindness in a campaign called Give Me 5.

Edmond residents are finding kindness across the area. Whether it was a woman whose dollar store purchase was picked up by a club member standing in line behind her, or it was The Genesis Project who benefitted when a club member gathered friends from her sorority to purchase items from the treatment center’s wish list. Boys at the facility receiving therapies and care for child abuse were showered with gifts, arts and crafts, shoes, and clothes.

Case is encouraging club members to share their stories of kindness and there are many being added to the Give Me 5 collection.

From another member helping Case unload soil for Scissortail Elementary School’s garden or rounding up a Girl Scout cookie purchase well beyond the retail price, the club is being energized to live out its motto: Service Above Self.

"This is a way our club can be encouraged, too,” Case said. “When we see how our club is impacting our community in real, personal ways, we are inspired to do more.”

The club effort coincides with Random Acts of Kindness Day by Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. You can find a full list of acts of kindness by club members and ways you can join the effort on The Rotary Club of Edmond’s website.

Edmond Residents Benefit from Acts of Kindness Scott Coppenbarger 2023-03-18 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club Helps Make the Holidays Brighter

Edmond, OK –From bell ringing to Thanksgiving meals, Rotary Club of Edmond had a great time serving our community to make the holidays brighter.
The season kicked off in November as Edmond Rotarians answered the call to help kids in need for Thanksgiving. Each year the club solicits donations from members for Thanksgiving meals and grocery gift cards to benefit children at Summit Middle School. This year, the school asked for more gift cards than actual groceries. Members delivered 16 $50 cards and five Thanksgiving grocery bags to support the school’s pantry.
 "The Rotary club has been such an amazing blessing to Summit Middle School. Thank you for your involvement,” said Tammi Seknicka, pantry manager.
Rotary bells rang a full day for The Salvation Army at Edmond Walmarts. Warm hearts turned out  during chilly weather as customers filled kettles December 14. At least 37 club members volunteered. Some brought along colleagues or young helpers – including a young scholarship winner who showed her appreciation to Rotary by volunteering for the event.
Some children had a great holiday surprise when they found a beautiful custom-made dollhouse under the tree! The holiday-themed dollhouse was made especially for our club by Jim and Evelyn Martin to be used as a fundraiser. The club raised $1500 after raffling off the dollhouse which even had a unique address: 809 Rotary Circle.
The club’s annual holiday party was filled with thanksgiving, entertainment and inspiration. The party was held at St. Luke’s Edmond on December 21. Besides beautiful Christmas music provided by the church, the party recognized club veterans and new members.
The Rotary Club of Edmond currently meets at noon every Wednesday on St Lukes United Methodist, Edmond on I35 and Sooner Road and on Zoom.  Guests are welcome.
The Rotary Club of Edmond helped out the pantry at Summit Middle School over the Thanksgiving holiday by providing gift cards and food to the school’s pantry.
L to R  - Barry Bell, club member; Tammi Seknicka, Summit School pantry manager
This custom-made dollhouse was created especially for a fundraiser by Rotary Club of Edmond. The holiday-themed creation has a unique address: 809 Rotary Circle.
Rotary Club Helps Make the Holidays Brighter Scott Coppenbarger 2023-01-06 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Surpasses Goal to Collect Clothes for Kids

The Rotary Club of Edmond exceeded its fundraising goal by $500 to purchase clothes for Stan’s Closet at Edmond’s Sunset Elementary School. In all, the club raised $1,500 to purchase most-needed items for students such as underwear and sweatpants. Club member, Barry Bell and Sunset secretary, Ashley Corbett pose with boxes full of the donated clothes.
Rotary Club of Edmond Surpasses Goal to Collect Clothes for Kids Scott Copenbarger 2022-10-31 05:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotarians Get First-hand Look at How other Members Serve

EDMOND, Okla – Not long ago, members of The Rotary Club of Edmond were in a quandary. They had to find a temporary place to meet and had nowhere to go. Thanks to some quick-thinking and ingenuity, the club devised a solution that’s no longer a fast fix but now holds a popular spot in their program schedule.
It was springtime and Vacation Bible School was fast approaching at their regular meeting site, St. Luke’s United Methodist. The church needed Rotary’s space to accommodate hundreds of kids from the Edmond area. Recognizing the importance of the church’s service to the community, the club’s programming committee fielded a new idea to split the club into small groups at members’ places of business. Called Rotary Rotation, members are gaining insight into how others serve through their occupations.
“We could not be more pleased with how this turned out,” said Beth Case, club president. “Rotary Rotation is a great way to build engagement among members while allowing them to see the terrific work going on in front of their very eyes. We’re finding it’s a great way to gain understanding other than just learning about each other across the table at a regular meeting.”
Before each Rotation meeting, members have a chance to choose where they will meet from a list of participating businesses and nonprofits. The club caters and delivers meals, making it easier on the host location.
Rotary Rotation has occurred twice. Hosts have included The Edmond Police Department, The Genesis Project, Edmond Fine Arts Institute, Mitch Park YMCA – YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City, Edmond Fire Department and Epworth Villa.
During a recent rotation at Edmond Fine Arts Institute, club members toured the facility and learned many ways the institute impacts the community— from evening ceramics classes to an outdoor mural display along an adjacent alley. Rotarians learned how The City of Edmond sees increased business on evenings the institute’s VIBES program holds outdoor performances downtown.
Another group visited Epworth Villa where they were awed by the amenities and services of the senior living community. One club member kept repeating “Wow, just wow!”
The club had so much positive feedback after the first meeting, its membership committee decided to keep a good thing going. The idea that was born out of necessity was a win-win for the club and St. Luke’s which had a great turnout at VBS, too!
Members of The Rotary Club of Edmond learn about Edmond Fine Arts Institute’s outdoor
mural display. The institute is one of four locations visited by club members during their Rotary
Rotation on Aug. 24.
Edmond Rotarians Get First-hand Look at How other Members Serve Scott Coppenbarger 2022-08-24 05:00:00Z 0

Service above self at The Rotary

Rotary Club of Edmond president Beth Case hopes to continue the tradition of meaningful work through engaging members.
The Rotary Club of Edmond Past-President James Boggs welcomes incoming president Beth Case. (Photo: <a href="">Brent Fuchs</a>)
The Rotary Club of Edmond Past-President James Boggs welcomes incoming president Beth Case. (Photo: Brent Fuchs)

For nearly 85 years, The Rotary Club of Edmond has been serving its residents, providing professional development opportunities and encouraging lifelong friendships. The club boasts a rich history of community service and involvement by local leaders.

Continuing international history

The Rotary Club of Edmond is a small part of the larger organization, Rotary International. Rotary International is a worldwide group of people who want to make a difference in the lives of others. 

Rotary International was started by Paul Harris, a Chicago attorney. He formed the Rotary Club of Chicago on February 23, 1905, so professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships. 

“Our club is full of amazing people from all sorts of industries and backgrounds,” said Edmond Rotary Club President Beth Case. “Our club’s theme this year is Imagine: Strengthening us through a spirit of significant giving.”

Rotary members believe in a shared responsibility to act on our world’s most persistent issues. Their causes include promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies, and protecting the environment.

“The Rotary Club is fun! We have a robust speaker schedule, and we are educated about our community each week,” said Case. “It is a great way to learn about the city and state we live in and where we can potentially make an impact or learn about a service, industry, or organization that impacts us.”

Forming the Edmond Clubs

The Rotary Club of Edmond was chartered on April 25, 1938, making it one of the oldest clubs in the state. According to an Edmond Sun article about the event, “this action unite[d] with more than 4,400 other cities all over the world where Rotary clubs have come to play a leading part in the progress and development of the life of the community.”

Nearly 50 years later, in 1986, members recognized the need for a noon club in Edmond. The Edmond Evening Club, under the leadership of then-president Bill Cather, sponsored the chartering of the Edmond/Central club on January 19, 1987, with 28 charter members. Less than two years after the formation of Edmond Central, on November 13, 1988, the Edmond and Central Clubs sponsored the chartering of the Edmond Summit Rotary Club—a breakfast club.

The Rotary Club of Edmond throughout the years peaked at approximately 50 members in the 1970s. But by 2004, the numbers had dwindled to only ten or so members, and accordingly, the board approached the Central noon club about the potential of merging the two clubs. Although the Central club was much larger, it was determined that the surviving club in the merger would be the original Edmond club—so as not to lose its 1938 charter. The clubs officially merged on July 1, 2005.  

“The Rotary Club of Edmond has been around a long time. Sometimes the things we do in the community make a big splash, and other times, they are quietly behind the scenes,” said Case. “You might not see us picking up trash or delivering mobile meals.”

Serving the community

The main pillar of Rotary is “service above self,” and President Beth Case has a vision for strengthening club service and community relationships. 

“Because the last two years saw us separated but together via Zoom, we couldn’t fellowship like we once could. This year, we want to get to know each other on a deeper level,” said Case. “I am excited about our plans to orchestrate this throughout the year with fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, and site visits.” 

Case was recently named club president in July 2022 and has been a member of The Rotary Club of Edmond since 2017. She will serve as president for one year alongside 16 other board members, and she believes the key to achieving meaningful work is through engagement.

“I had an incredible role model in my father. He epitomized the motto of Rotary: Service about Self,” said Case. “I think that is why Rotary has been such a great fit for me. I value honesty, integrity, and the service of others.” 

Rotary President Beth Case was recently inducted and will serve for one year. (Photo: Brent Fuchs)

The organization’s most recent project included the Miracle League of Edmond. The Club was able to donate new equipment and a new sound system to be used at games. 

“While the financial donation was important, our volunteer opportunities with the kids are the most meaningful,” said Case. “Spending an evening with these kids on the field so that the parents can simply sit and watch is the true spirit of Rotary: Service above Self.”

One of the club’s favorite volunteer opportunities is bell ringing for the Salvation Army during the holidays. Some members sing while they ring the bells, and others bring their children and encourage them to wear the red apron to see how serving others can change lives. The late Stan Kelley of Edmond was a pivotal member of The Rotary Club of Edmond and had a significant role in organizing the event in previous years.

“We also have a long and impactful relationship with Ida Freeman Elementary School in Edmond,” said Case. “Our club has had a Rotary Reader program in place for many years, where up to 25 club members volunteer to read weekly or bi-weekly in the classrooms. The students and club members look forward to seeing one another.” 

The club has previously sponsored a Rotary Reader Corner, where they provided seating when the new media center was built a few years ago. Each week, Rotary has the guest speaker of the meeting sign a book, which is donated to the school in honor of the speaker.

In May, the club honored three Edmond high school students with scholarships and a local business, Edmond Dental Associates, with a community award, which not only supported individuals but also showcased the connections provided by Rotary. 

“One of our scholarship recipients announced that he wanted to attend dental school. Immediately after the meeting, the student and the doctors connected, visited, and a relationship was formed,” said Case. “Making meaningful change in a person’s life through relationships is an important part of our club’s purpose.”

Service above self at The Rotary Tim Priebe 2022-08-16 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Rotation

On June 8th, instead of our regular meeting, we held a Rotary Rotation.  Club members went out in the community and learned about the Edmond Police Department, Government, Edmond Fine Arts Institute, Mitch Park YMCA - YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City, Genesis Project, and the Edmond Fire Department, Government. 
It was a great time of learning and engaging with the community!
Rotary Rotation Beth Case 2022-06-08 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Edmond Serves Meals Beth Case 2022-03-30 05:00:00Z 0

Local Rotary Clubs provide food aid for children in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

The Rotary Club of Edmond has partnered with the Summit Rotary Club of Edmond and the Sooner Rotary Club of Norman to provide funds for Feeding the Future program, a project of the Rotary Club of Playa del Carmen-Seaside.  The Playa del Carmen Club-Seaside started the program in 2017 in the Village of Torres de la Paz, close to the city of Playa del Carmen. The village exists in extreme poverty, and many of the village children live in uncertain food conditions. After the local construction of a small community school, the Seaside Rotary Club brought together funds for a solar-powered water filtration system and a small kitchen where the Feeding the Future program operates. Local organizations and businesses supported this program, but the Coronavirus pandemic has stopped those organizations’ ability to help. The Seaside Rotary Club provides ninety-six children with healthy meals for six days each week. The total costs are $1,200 per month, and the club sought outside help for a month’s worth of food for the children.
Teresa Sparks Cleaver is a former resident of Edmond and is now a member of the Playa del Carmen-Seaside club. She contacted Carol Wright of the Rotary Club of Edmond, seeking assistance in providing one month’s meals for the children in Torres de la Paz. Members of the Rotary Club of Edmond provided approximately half of these funds, with the remainder coming from the Summit Club and the Sooner Club. The Rotary Club of Edmond is thankful to its members for participating in these fund-raising efforts, and the club is especially pleased that the Summit and Sooner Clubs offered their help to reach the goal of $1,200 for the children of Torres de la Paz.
Local Rotary Clubs provide food aid for children in Playa del Carmen, Mexico  Beth Case 2022-03-30 05:00:00Z 0

Jessica Lyle named George Mikesell Award Recipient

Jessica Lyle is the Community Program Manager for Edmond Electric. A community leader, she is a graduate of Edmond Leadership class of 30. Lyle was also named the 2018 Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year and was a recipient of the 20 Under 40 award in 2014.

Most Rotary Clubs around the world have a Rotarian of the Year Award—The Rotary Club of Edmond’s version is called the George Mikesell Award. The award is named after a longtime member of the Edmond Central Club. Mikesell was a mentor to other Rotarians—through friendship and example. He gave 51 years of service as a Rotarian—with 47 years of perfect attendance. 

Club Member and 2019-2020 Award Recipient, Janet Yowell presented Lyle with the award. Yowell said, “Jessica takes on any responsibility and meets the Rotary Four-Way Test in all that she does.”   Yowell commented that Lyle was an important part in keeping the club vibrant during the pandemic.  She created a successful Zoom trivia fundraiser, served as the” Zoom master” during the time when the club couldn’t meet and helped the club have a successful transition from virtual meetings back to in-person meetings.
A board member and volunteer for Edmond Chamber of Commerce, Lyle  serves on the Chamber Board of Advisors, Chamber Ambassador Council, Chamber Government Relations Council, and the Edmond Young Professionals Advisory Board. Lyle has been an active member of the Rotary Club of Edmond since 2015 and has been especially effective at securing dynamic speakers for the meetings. She has served on the board, as well as in the role of President. 
Yowell went on to say of Lyle, “she is a young, up and coming leader that will help maintain this club for a long time.” Lyle resides in Oklahoma City with her husband Josh. They have one son, Killian.
Jessica Lyle named George Mikesell Award Recipient  Jessica Lyle 2021-08-06 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Installs New Board of Directors

Local community leaders were recently installed to the 2021-2022 Rotary Club of Edmond Board of Directors. Rotary District 5750 Governor Matt Tipton was on hand to instate the new officers.
Outgoing president, Cindy Dimit ceremoniously passed the gavel and the Buddy Morris presidential emblem to incoming president James Boggs in an emotional farewell address. Dimit sang the praises of each outgoing board member and their accomplishments. About her tenure during the pandemic, Dimit quoted Douglas Adams, “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”
James Boggs was installed as President. Boggs is the president of the First Fidelity Bank of Edmond. Boggs chose the word “impactful” to guide the club for the next term. He challenged the club to be impactful in the Rotary mission and “in the way we serve to change lives.” Boggs shared 5 club goals for the upcoming year. He congratulated Dimit for her services during the pandemic and her ability to “meet regularly, have an internal focus on loving our members, grow with new members, but more importantly the relationships within the club that grew from the formation of the Rotary Roadsters.” Boggs went on to praise Dimit's efforts with the Rotary Roadsters program in which club members would deliver lunch to one another so that the club could “eat together during the Zoom meetings.” 
President-Elect, Beth Case of Epworth Villa, Secretary, Chris Berry with the YMCA, and Treasurer, Rusty Hale were also installed. Hale a local C.P.A. has been a member of the Club for over 33 years with many of those serving as Treasurer.
Andy Conyers, Assistant City Manager with the City of Edmond was slated for Club Service. Community Service will be led by Keith May, Keller Williams of Central Oklahoma. Past president Chris Koehler will stay on the board and head up International Service with Jordan Malwick of High Spring Land Company leading Vocational Service for a second term.
Chief of the Edmond Police Department, JD Younger will serve another term as Sergeant at Arms.  Rounding out the board is long-time club member and C.P.A. Natalie Bonney who will serve as chair of the Rotary Foundation.  Thirty-year member Sandy Chappel is returning as the Membership Chairperson. Continuing to serve but in a new role as Public Relations Chairperson is past president, Jessica Lyle. Returning to lead the scholarship committee is Christine Merideth and taking the lead for the golf tournament committee for another year is Robert Gibson. Allison Calhoun will return for her 16th year as the Club’s Executive Secretary.
A highlight of the installation was the introduction and recognition of over 20 of the Club’s past presidents. Past president, Andy Lester made the presentation and recognized current member, Amzi Gregory for serving two terms as president. Members with perfect attendance and Paul Harris Fellows were also recognized.
Board: (Back row from L to R) Chris Koehler, Jordan Malwick, Rusty Hale, Keith May, Chris Berry, Sandy Chappell, Allison Calhoun, Andy Conyers
(Front row from L to R) JD Younger, Christine Merideth, Beth Case, James Boggs, Cindy Dimit, Jessica Lyle.
Past Presidents: (Back row from L to R) Jack Warner, Natalie Bonney, Jay Smith, Dan Chavez, Chris Koehler, Jeanean Yanish Jones, Clark Jolley, Benji Wenchsler, Andy Lester
(Front row from L to R) Kelley Kay, Sam Vinall, Mike Roark, Amzi Gregory, Roland Herwig, Gail Carr, Ruth Boss, Jessica Lyle, Bill Moyer.
Perfect Attendance: (From L to R) Betty DeHart, James Boggs, Jessica Lyle, Carol Wright, Victoria Caldwell, Richard Blankenship, Sandy Chappell, Cindy Dimit, Natalie Bonney, Andy Lester.
Rotary Club of Edmond Installs New Board of Directors  Jessica Lyle 2021-07-19 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Honors Edmond Seniors

Edmond, OK – Each year, the Rotary Club of Edmond recognizes Edmond seniors by awarding up to 3 deserving students $2000 each. This year was no different with the Club selecting three Edmond seniors. The Club wishes to congratulate this year’s recipients.
Pictured: (from left to right) Layla Molina, Kaylee Wilburn, Manuvel Sibichan
Layla Molina is a senior at Edmond Santa Fe High School; she is planning on majoring in Architectural Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. Words used to describe Layla are outstanding student, kind person of integrity and someone who sets a perfect example of balance when it comes to leadership, achievement, and social appropriateness.
She has dreams to work for an architectural firm locally, but also aspires to go to the mission field and design homes, water wells, and healthcare facilities for those in need. She has such a passion for people in lesser-fortunate countries, and it is so important to her that those in need can have the same access to basic necessities that we so easily take for granted in the US.
In addition to being selected as a Rotary Scholarship Recipient, Layla was selected for this year’s Charles D. Lamb Service Above Self Award, which gives an additional $500. Layla’s future plans are a wonderful example of furthering Charles Lamb’s legacy of being truthful, fair and building goodwill and friendships that benefit all.
Kaylee Wilburn is a senior at Edmond North High School; she is planning on majoring in English with a minor in editing and publishing at the University of Oklahoma. Words used to describe Kaylee are kind, helpful and hardworking.
Kaylee plans to use the financial support from the Rotary Club of Edmond to help her achieve her goals of teaching and inspiring others to love English and reading as much as she does. She wants to help others learn and be inspired to try new things. She says, the scholarship will help her get the tools she needs to continue her education and achieve her goals.
Manuvel Sibichan is a senior at Edmond Santa Fe High School; he is planning on majoring in Finance with the goal of going into the world of nonprofit fundraising. He has applied and been accepted to OU, UCO, Baylor and UT Austin, however, he hasn’t confirmed which university he will attend. Words used to describe Manuvel are diligent, energetic and an inspiration to his peers.
Manuvel plans to use the financial support from the Rotary Club of Edmond to further his pursuit of nonprofit fundraising. He believes the funds would be able to help provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards and build goodwill and peace in the world.
Pictured: (from left to right) Chris Berry, Randy Taylor, Christine Merideth -Committee Chair, Manuvel Sibichan, Layla Molina, Kaylee Wilburn, Cindy Dimit – Club President, Betty DeHart, Mark Jones, Jessica Lyle, Heather Lawerence
Charles D. Lamb Service Above Self Scholarship
The principal motto of Rotary, “Service Above Self”, best conveys the philosophy of unselfish volunteer service. The Charles D. Lamb Service Above Self scholarship was awarded to an Edmond student who exemplified “Service Above Self” through his or her contributions to the community and has future potential to continue to further the Rotary mission.
The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
The scholarship, named in honor of Mayor Charles Lamb was awarded to Layla Molina. Lamb was known to have a servant’s heart.  Lamb’s wife Cheri, said that her late husband’s “greatest joy was watching and encouraging young people.” In response to this year’s recipient, Cheri Lamb noted, “Layla is everything that Charles stood for when it came to being selfless and serving others; he would be very proud to have her represent what this scholarship stands for.”
Rotary Club of Edmond Honors Edmond Seniors  Jessica Lyle 2021-05-14 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Back In Person

The Rotary Club of Edmond welcomed fellow Rotarians back to in person meetings on May 5th for the first time in over a year. The last time the club met in person was March 11, 2020. It was at that time, COVID-19 had made its way into our community and the world "shut down". The club cancelled the rest of March and all of April meetings while they geared up to go online. The Club's first virtual meeting was on May 6, 2020. For an entire year, the club hosted virtual everything; a new board was installed, scholarship presentation, first ever virtual Trivia event and a virtual Christmas Show. 
The Club was tested time and time again, and rose to the challenge. Now, they are back LIVE and IN PERSON as well as on Zoom. Prior to Covid, the club met weekly at Mercy I35, however, due to Mercy staff not knowing what their reopen strategy would look like, the club needed a new home. Thanks to Mike Sanders, Club Member, and several others, the club has a new home at St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Edmond. 
The Club still meets weekly on Wednesdays at 12pm at St. Luke's and online via Zoom. The Zoom option will be available through the end of the year. 
Please enjoy this special Welcome Back video that club member, Keith May, put together from May 5th. 
Rotary Club of Edmond Back In Person Jessica Lyle 2021-05-10 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Hosts Annual Golf Tournament

The Rotary Club of Edmond will host their annual Golf Tournament on June 2nd as a fundraiser for their scholarship program. 
Date: June 2, 2021
Location: KickingBird Golf Course
Registration: 11:30a
Lunch: 12p
Shotgun Start: 1p
Even if you aren't golfing, come enjoy lunch at KickingBird Golf Course while you can. They will be closing for approximately a year for a complete remodel. 
Sign Up for a golf team, sponsor a hole or donate a door prize!!! 
Rotary Club of Edmond Hosts Annual Golf Tournament Jessica Lyle 2021-04-28 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Edmond Hosts City Council Candidate Forum 2021-02-26 06:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Edmond Opens Scholarships Jessica Lyle 2021-02-16 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Gifts Edmond Mobile Meals

The Rotary Club of Edmond recently presented a check for $5,250 to Edmond Mobile Meals to assist with their efforts of providing meals to their homebound clients during the current pandemic. This gift was made possible through a Rotary District 5750 Disaster Response Grant with the assistance of local Rotary members. Edmond Rotary Club President Cindy Dimit and Past President Chris Koehler presented the check to Cristi Twenter, Executive Director of Edmond Mobile Meals.
Twenter expressed her gratitude to The Rotary Club of Edmond's donation which will allow Edmond meal recipients to stay in their homes. It is always a great relief to stay home - a sense of security, but, more importantly during this pandemic crisis.
Pictured: From R.: Chris Koehler - Past President, Cindy Dimit - President, Cristi Twenter-Edmond Mobile Meals Director
Rotary Club of Edmond Gifts Edmond Mobile Meals  Jessica Lyle 2020-09-01 05:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotary Club Hosts Career Shadow Day

Posted by Jessica Lyle on Nov 22, 2019

Career Shadow Day provides young people the opportunity to shadow Rotarians performing their daily work in their professional environment. Students are chosen from Edmond Memorial, Edmond North and Edmond Santa Fe. 

Rotarians invited approximately 30 students to observe them in their workplace allowing them the opportunity to explore specific careers and get a realistic picture of the tasks performed for that job.  Professions included City Government, Optometry, Dentistry, Real Estate Development, Manufacturing, the City of Edmond Police and Fire Departments, Mortgage and Banking, Photography, School Administration, Oklahoma State Government and the Edmond Economic Development Authority.  Special medical partners were Mercy on I-35.  Board Members, Keith May and Andy Melvin as well as Club Member Tim Richardson coordinated the event.


Edmond Rotary Club Hosts Career Shadow Day  Jessica Lyle 2019-11-22 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Installs New Officers

Posted by Jessica Lyle on Jul 15, 2019
On Wednesday, July 10th, the Rotary Club of Edmond Installed its new officers for the 2019-2020 term.  Rotary International District Governor (5750) Lance Singleton was on hand to install the new officers and offer words of encouragement and thanks.  He encouraged the Club to embrace Rotary International’s 2019-2020 theme – Rotary connects the world.  He commended the club on their growth over the past year.  The Club ended the year with 102 members.
Outgoing President Jessica Lyle touched on the accomplishments of the Club during her term and introduced Chris Koehler as the new Club President.  Koehler said that he is focused on building on the successes of this past year and keeping up with the Club’s forward momentum.  He thanked the incoming board and the Club for their vote of confidence.
2019-2020 Board of Directors
President – Chris Koehler
Past President – Jessica Lyle
President Elect – Cindy Dimit
Secretary – James Boggs
Treasurer – Rusty Hale
Club Service – Janet Yowell 
Community Service – Chris Berry
International Service – Mark Jones
Vocational Service – Keith May
Sergeant at Arms – Andy Melvin
Rotary Foundation Chair – Natalie Bonney
Membership Chair – Sandy Chappell
Public Relations – Beth Case                                                                                                    
Rotary Club of Edmond Installs New Officers Jessica Lyle 2019-07-15 05:00:00Z 0

2018 - 2019 4-Way Test Award Winner & Teacher of the Year

Posted by Jessica Lyle on May 08, 2019
The Four Way Test recognizes a local business that meets the following requirements:  Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned?  Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned.  The 2019 winner was Daniel Creel of Route 66 Tire and Auto. 
Daniel conducts his life and operates his business in a manner consistent with the Rotary Club's 4-Way Test Award. The 4 Way-Test asks these questions:
Is it the truth?
Daniel knows every customer by name. His estimate is always based on the Truth. When you go to pay, it is the same – always the Truth.
Is it fair to all concerned?
Fair is their work. They are Fair in their time. They are Fair in their customer delivery. They are Fair on checking tires. They give advice and do not try to sell you all the time.
Will it build goodwill and friendships?
The atmosphere is so friendly and peaceful. They are very attentive to customers. They have made friends because of how they know you.
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
They provide a great service to our city and the people who have cars and need a place to trust. You can trust this place.
Pictured left to right: Tim Richardson, Rotarian; Daniel Creel, Route 66 Tire & Auto and Paul Conrady, Rotarian
                                                                                                                                                                                    Maegan Barnes was selected as Ida Freeman’s 2018-2019 Teacher of the Year.  Barnes has been teaching kindergarten for 6 years.  Also in attendance was school principal, Nicole Marler.
2018 - 2019 4-Way Test Award Winner &amp; Teacher of the Year Jessica Lyle 2019-05-08 05:00:00Z 0

2018-2019 Edmond Rotary Scholars

Posted by Jessica Lyle on May 08, 2019
Six very deserving Edmond High School Students were awarded scholarships from the Rotary Club of Edmond.  At the Club’s annual Community Recognition day, the students were recognized for their academics and most importantly, community service.  In awarding the scholarships Club Member and Scholarship Chairman, Jack Warner says that in awarding the scholarships decisions are based on activities and endeavors that align with the Club’s Philosophy of “Service Above Self.”
With the passing of Club Member and Edmond City Mayor, Charles D. Lamb, a special award was created in his honor.  The inaugural “Charles D. Lamb Service Above Self Scholarship” was awarded to Collin Shortt of Edmond Memorial High School.  Shortt plans to study Sports Journalism, but is still undecided on his which college he will attend.  Cheri Lamb, widow of Mayor Lamb was present to award Shortt his scholarship. 
Additional Scholarship Recipients are Mariah Brown, Santa Fe High School, Arden Hearne, Santa Fe High School, Gina Jackson, Oklahoma Christian School, Harman Kaur, Santa Fe High School and Alyssa Regier, Santa Fe High School. 
Approximately, $12,000 will be distributed the scholarship winners.
2018-2019 Edmond Rotary Scholars Jessica Lyle 2019-05-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond Recognized by Salvation Army  

Posted by Jessica Lyle
The Salvation Army honored the Rotary Club of Edmond at their 32nd annual Celebration of Hope Luncheon on April 10th. 
The Salvation Army’s mission is “Doing the most good” for many who have lost all hope. The Club was recognized for nearly 12 years of service to the Salvation Army.  For the past 12 years during the holiday season, the Club has served as bell ringers in the Edmond area.  Club Member, Stan Kelley spearheaded the project and has been instrumental in the long term relationship with the Salvation Army.  Accepting the award on behalf of the Club was incoming President, Chris Koehler and Past President, Jeanean Yanish.
The Rotary club of Edmond meets at noon every Wednesday at the Edmond Mercy Hospital on I-35.  Guests are welcome.
Pictured (l to r): Jeanean Yanish, Past President, Chris Koehler, Incoming Club President
Rotary Club of Edmond Recognized by Salvation Army    Jessica Lyle 2019-04-22 05:00:00Z 0

College Scholarships Available through Edmond Rotary Club

Posted by Jessica Lyle on Feb 05, 2019
The Rotary Club of Edmond is currently accepting applications for their annual college scholarships.  Interested students should contact their Edmond High School counselors for further information. The application and guidelines can be found here
Eligible students must be graduating seniors from an Edmond High School or accredited home school program.  The scholarships are worth $2,000, paid out at $500 per semester for 2 years.  Students may attend any college of their choosing.  Since the Rotary Club is committed to community service, the applicant’s community service is closely evaluated, as well as financial need.
College Scholarships Available through Edmond Rotary Club Jessica Lyle 2019-02-05 06:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotary Club Hosts Area Students

Posted by Jessica Lyle on Oct 30, 2018

Forty-one Edmond students participated in the Edmond Rotary Club’s Annual Career Shadow Day on October 24, 2018.  Rotarians invited students to observe them in their workplace to explore specific careers and to get a realistic picture of the tasks performed for that job. Through career shadowing, the Club promotes Rotary International’s mission to encourage high ethical standards in business and professions; the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the opportunity for each occupation to serve society.  Member Andy Melvin with Boy Scouts Last Frontier Council and leader of Vocational Service for the Club organized this year’s event. 
Students from Edmond Santa Fe, Edmond Memorial and Edmond North spent the morning with their assigned Rotarians and then were treated to lunch at Mercy Hospital on I-35 where the Club meets every Wednesday.  Many students commented that they had no idea that certain career opportunities even existed.  With the assistance of club member Tim Richardson, twelve of the students were able to participate in a healthcare presentation and field trip at the hospital.  The organizers for Mercy Hospital say they would love to host more students.
Sixteen club members participated in the program.  Randy Taylor, Rotarian, Master Photographer and President of Taylor Made Photography said, “Rotary Career Shadow Day is a chance for our members to connect to younger people.  It gives us an opportunity to explain our industry to students and to help them see possibilities for their future.  It is also a way for us to hear what the younger consumer is thinking and maybe get some input for our own businesses.  I have been participating from the very first year and have had a wonderful group of students each year.  I am able to talk to, educate, and explain why we do what we do in our business.  This is a great way to tie the students to the community and to show the community what our students have to offer.”
Edmond Rotary Club Hosts Area Students Jessica Lyle 2018-10-30 05:00:00Z 0

Ida Freeman Elementary School Receives Books from Edmond Rotary Club

Posted by Jessica Lyle
 Ida Freeman Elementary School is the recipient of 26 new books.  The Edmond Rotary Club meets almost every Wednesday of the year, and at each meeting the club donates a book in honor of the weekly speaker.  This gift of books to the Ida Freeman Elementary Media Center has been taking place for 20 years.  It was originally started by club member, Carol Hartzog and most recently member, James Boggs has picked up the torch. Making the presentation was Boggs and Club President, Jessica Lyle. 

Approximately, 26 club members volunteer on a weekly and bi-weekly basis to read in the classrooms during the school year.  Club member, Beth Case says “I get great joy in the big greeting that I get from the students.  They are so happy to have a guest in their classroom, and it brings back fond memories of reading to my own children.”
Pictured Back (l to r): Jessica Lyle, Club President, Nicole Marler, Ida Freeman Principal, Sarah Johnston, Ida Freeman Media Specialist, James Boggs, Club Member, Scott Goodrich, Assistant Principal.

Ida Freeman Elementary School Receives Books from Edmond Rotary Club  Jessica Lyle 2018-08-22 05:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotary Club Recognizes Its Own

Posted by Jessica Lyle on Jul 23, 2018

On July 18th, The Edmond Rotary Club recognized Allison Calhoun for her twelve years of service as our Club's Executive Assistant and Rusty Hale for his twelve years of service as Club Treasurer.  Allison and Rusty have provided our club with stability, consistency, guidance and wisdom which have been invaluable each year to the Board and especially the President. Member and Past President, Natalie Bonney gathered the Club President's from the last twelve years to present this honor to Allison and Rusty.  THANK YOU ALLISON AND RUSTY! 

Pictured Back (l to r): Mike Roark, Rusty Hale, Jay Buxton, Dan Chavez, Andy Lester, Chris Price Front (l to r): Allison Calhoun, Natalie Bonney, Jessica Lyle, Current President, Gail Carr, Mitzi Hancuff.  Not Pictured: Jay Smith, Jeanean South, James Kerr

Edmond Rotary Club Recognizes Its Own  Jessica Lyle 2018-07-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotarian of the Year and New Board Named

Posted by Jessica Lyle on Jul 16, 2018

Longtime businessman and university professor, Jack Warner, received Edmond Rotary Club’s “Rotarian of the Year” during the club's weekly meeting on July 11th. Selected by 15 of his peer members, Warner received the club’s highest recognition for representing Service Above Self. The award is officially the “George Mikesell Service Above Self Annual Award” in honor of Mikesell, a member of Rotary for 54 years with perfect attendance of 48 of those until his health failed. At the age of 82, Mikesell organized the then-Edmond Central Rotary Club, 31 years ago and personally recruited two dozen members, all accomplished while legally blind.

Warner has served in many leadership capacities in Rotary, including former president, and has had perfect attendance for a least a dozen years and is a two-time Paul Harris Fellow for his financial support of the organization. He is chair of Rotary’s scholarship committee, on which he has served many years to select a handful of Edmond high school students for the annual $2000 scholarship. Also, he has been a “Rotary Reader” at Ida Freeman Elementary for many years, reading to one, at times, two classes every week.
Jessica Lyle was elected president of the club during the same meeting. Lyle has served in leadership positions since joining the club three years ago. Employed by the City of Edmond for eight years, Lyle is the Community Relations Coordinator for Edmond Electric. A graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma and the Edmond Chamber’s Leadership Edmond program, she is heavily involved with the chamber, including Edmond Young Professionals and the Ambassador Council.
At the annual awards ceremony, several members were inducted to the Board of Directors. Other than Lyle, they are Past President - James Kerr, President Elect - Chris Koehler, Secretary - Cindy Dimit, Treasurer- Rusty Hale, Club Service - Janet Yowell, Community Service - Dawn Mamer, Vocational Service - Andy Melvin, Membership - Sandy Chappell, International Service - Sherry Klein, Sergeant-at-Arms - James Boss, and Public Relations - Beth Case.
Rotarian of the Year and New Board Named Jessica Lyle 2018-07-16 05:00:00Z 0

Man Walking from California to Massachusetts Visits Edmond Rotary Club

Posted by Jessica Lyle on Jun 27, 2018
Michael “Cappi” Capozzoli a resident of Sedona, Arizona is walking from California to Massachusetts. On May 30, 2018 he stopped in for a visit to The Edmond Rotary Club where he asked no more from the Rotarians than a penny to help build a safe house for abused children and their pets. Rotarians at the noon lunch meeting collected $210.
Pictured: Jessica Lyle, Rotary President – Elect and Michael “Cappi” Capozzoli
Man Walking from California to Massachusetts Visits Edmond Rotary Club  Jessica Lyle 2018-06-27 05:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotary Club Honors Longtime Ida Freeman Teacher

Posted by Jessica Lyle on Jun 07, 2018
Edmond Rotary Club honored longtime Ida Freeman Elementary School teacher David Nichols with its highest honor, internationally – an honorary Paul Harris Fellow.
The recognition is named for Rotary’s founder, Paul Harris, a Chicago lawyer who started Rotary International with three business associates in 1905.  The presentation of the Paul Harris Fellow recognition is The Rotary Foundation's way of expressing its appreciation for a substantial contribution to its humanitarian or educational programs.
Pictured left to right: David Nichols, Ida Freeman and Keith Kersten, Rotarian
Edmond Rotary Club Honors Longtime Ida Freeman Teacher Jessica Lyle 2018-06-07 05:00:00Z 0

2017-2018 4-Way Test Award Winner

Posted on May 03, 2018
Stephanie Carel, co-owner of Silver Leaf Gems in Downtown Edmond was recognized and honored by the Rotary Club of Edmond as the 4-Way Test Award Winner. She is President of the Edmond Downtown Business Association which includes the Edmond Arts Festival and Fall Festival, Chair of the Edmond Historical Preservation Trust,  she works to acquire grants for upkeep at the Territorial School House and is a teacher at the Fine Arts Institute where she shares her jewelry making skills with students. 
Pictured left to right: Mitzi Handcuff, Rotarian and Stephanie Carel, Silver Leaf Gems
2017-2018 4-Way Test Award Winner 2018-05-03 05:00:00Z 0

2017 -2018 Edmond Rotary Scholars

Posted by Jessica Lyle on May 02, 2018
These outstanding Edmond High School Seniors received scholarships from the Rotary Club of Edmond and were honored and recognized at the Clubs annual Community Recognition Day on April 25, 2018. 
Pictured left to right: Jessica Lyle, Rotary President- Elect; Chaya Crittenden, North; Catherine Brown, North; Brynnan Duncan, North; Betty DeHart, Rotary Scholarship Committee; Haley Jones, Santa Fe; Sydney Austin, Santa Fe; Jack Warner, Rotary Scholarship Chair; Dawn Mamer, Rotary Scholarship Committee
Not pictured: Sarah McLain, Memorial
2017 -2018 Edmond Rotary Scholars Jessica Lyle 2018-05-02 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary District 5750 Conference

Posted by Jessica Lyle on Apr 30, 2018
On Saturday, April 28 approximately 300 Rotarians from District 5750 all came together in Edmond's new Hilton Garden Inn Hotel & Conference Center to celebrate what Rotary is all about and the accomplishments of 2017. With this year's conference being in Edmond Rotary Club's backyard we had a great turnout for the event. 
Pictured from left to right: Cindy Dimit, Jessica Lyle, Mark Jones, Jack Warner, Dale Malody, JD Younger, Stan Kelley, Carol Wright, Sherry Klein, G.Kay Powers, Don Powers, Amzi Gregory, Chris Koehler, Victor Neal, James Kerr, Charles Lamb. Not Pictured who attended: Jeanean South, Jay Smith, Betty DeHart
Rotary District 5750 Conference Jessica Lyle 2018-04-30 05:00:00Z 0

Change of Venue for April 18th

We will NOT meet at Mercy this week.  Instead we will meet in Room 118 in the Edmond Community Center located at 28 E. Main in downtown Edmond.  Parking can be limited in this area so you might try to arrive early to get a good space.  Lunch will be provided by Millie's Table so be ready to eat!  We will be back at Mercy I-35 on April 25th.
Change of Venue for April 18th Allison Calhoun 2018-04-16 05:00:00Z 0
UCO's Student Lead Rotary Program Hosts School Supply Drive   2018-04-13 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Readers

Posted on Feb 16, 2018
About 30 members of the Rotary Club of Edmond read to classes at Ida Freeman Elementary, this is just one way many of our club members are involved and supports this school.  Pictured is Mark Lisle with the class he reads to each week.
Rotary Readers 2018-02-16 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Christmas Luncheon

A great time was had by all!!  Great food, laughs and entertainment was enjoyed by The Edmond Rotary Club and guests at the Annual Rotary Christmas Luncheon at the Annual Rotary Christmas Luncheon.
Rotary Christmas Luncheon 2017-12-22 06:00:00Z 0
Career Shadow Day DLC 2017-11-21 06:00:00Z 0
Edmond Rotary Club Satellite Club at Epworth Villa 2017-11-21 06:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotary provides Thanksgiving meals to Summit Middle School Families

Rotary Club of Edmond provides Thanksgiving meals to Summit Middle School families each year.  Lisa Chastain with Summit thanked the Rotary Club of Edmond for the amazing Thanksgiving baskets they donated to the food pantry families.  She also, said one of the counselors said a mom cried when she heard Thanksgiving is covered!
Edmond Rotary provides Thanksgiving meals to Summit Middle School Families 2017-11-21 06:00:00Z 0
Pancake Breakfast October 21, 2017 2017-10-11 05:00:00Z 0
Edmond Rotary Club Installs New Officers 2017-07-20 05:00:00Z 0

2016 -2017 Edmond Rotary Scholar

Kassidy Muse, Edmond Santa Fe High School was one of five outstanding Edmond High School seniors received scholarships to attend college from the Rotary Club of Edmond. We were honored have her and her mother Ashley attend our meeting today.

Kassidy, a valedictorian, has qualified academically and athletically for all-state volleyball. She hopes to walk-on at Rice University and plans to earn a doctorate in psychology research. She has seen many of life’s challenges through volunteering after the 2013

Pictured: Kassidy and her mother Ashley

Moore tornado, at Special Olympics and the OKC Food Bank, and losing her father suddenly in January.

2016 -2017 Edmond Rotary Scholar 2017-05-24 05:00:00Z 0

Teacher of the Year!

Farah Walker(center) was recognized and honored by the Rotary Club of Edmond as Teacher of the year at Ida Freeman Elementary. Also pictured is Edmond Rotary member Winnie Bushey( left).
Farah Walker has been married 17 years and has four children, three boys and a girl. She taught second grade in OKC public schools for five years, then left to stay home with her children until they started school. Farah felt lucky to get a job at Ida Freeman when she returned to teaching. This was her first year to teach 2nd grade at Ida after teaching 3rd grade for two years. Farah “absolutely LOVES teaching” and feels blessed to be able to do it every day.
Teacher of the Year! 2017-05-04 05:00:00Z 0

2016 -2017 Edmond Rotary Scholars

These outstanding Edmond High School Seniors have received scholarships for the Rotary Club of Edmond and were honored and recognized at the Clubs annual Community Recognition Day.
ADMANDA ADKINS, NORTH Amanda will join the OSU Equestrian team, study applied exercise science, and pursue a veterinary degree in equine physical therapy. She has held leadership roles in Edmond Light Horse 4-H Club, qualified for two National Finals horse shows and earned many 4-H awards. She’s volunteered almost 400 hours in 4-H county and state levels, and at Coffee Creek Therapeutic Riding Center
These outstanding Edmond High School seniors received scholarships to attend college and were honored and recognized during the Rotary Club or Edmond Community Recognition day. 
MADY HENDRYX, NORTH Mady will study music performance and pre-med at OSU. A threeyear all-state orchestra member, she received top state solo/ ensemble ratings in double bass and the State Superintendent Arts Award. She is an Edmond Fine Arts Institute volunteer and served in  the Youth in Government legislature.
 CHAD JONES, NORTH A state AP scholar, Chad Jones plans to study electrical engineering at Southern University in Baton Rouge, ending with a PhD. He is a top state vocal musician, among other honors, and volunteers at his church. Chad is a Black Belt in Taekwondo, in which he is a Y volunteer teacher.
 LILLY MATTHEWS, NORTH Lilly plans to study non-profit marketing at OSU. She is a four-year member of the cheer team which earned top state honors two of those years. She has been involved in the chamber’s Youth Leadership Edmond and Youth Exchange OKC, raising money for SmartStart Central Oklahoma to fund early childhood literacy.
KASSIDY MUSE, SANTA FE Kassidy, a valedictorian, qualified academically and athletically for all-state volleyball. She hopes to walk-on at Rice University and plans to earn a doctorate in psychology research. She has seen many of life’s challenges through volunteering after the 2013 Moore tornado, at Special Olympics and the OKC Food Bank, and losing her father suddenly in January.
2016 -2017 Edmond Rotary Scholars DLC 2017-05-04 05:00:00Z 0

Community 4 Way Test Winner, Carlos Alvarado!

Carlos Alvarado,  Alvarados Mexican Restaurant was recognized and honored by the Rotary Club of Edmond as the 4-Way Test Award Winner. Mr Alvarado has conducts his life and operates his business in manner consistent with the Rotary Clubs 4-Way Test Award. or guiding Principles. These principles have been developed over the years to provide Rotarians with a strong, common purpose and direction. They serve as a foundation for our relationships with each other and the action we take in the world

1. Is it the truth?
2. Is is fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Also pictured is Edmond Rotary member Daniel Chavez

Community 4 Way Test Winner, Carlos Alvarado! 2017-05-04 05:00:00Z 0
Edmond Rotary Participates in the for Dr. Seuss 'Read Across America' Day  2017-03-10 06:00:00Z 0
“We saved a young girl’s life today.” -- Jay Buxton, Edmond Rotary Club.  2017-02-16 06:00:00Z 0
Major General Rita Aragon 2017-01-05 00:00:00Z 0
Food Baskets for Summit Middle School 2016-12-19 00:00:00Z 0
Edmond Rotary Christmas Luncheon 2016-12-19 00:00:00Z 0
Ringing Bells for Salvation Army 2016-12-17 00:00:00Z 0
Edmond Rotary Club donated coats and shoes to Ida Freeman and Sunset Elementary Schools in Edmond,Okla 2016-12-16 00:00:00Z 0

Rotaract Club or University Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma Christian University

Edmond Rotary Club organized and is sponsoring a Rotaract Club at University of Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma Christian University. Although fledgling, it is doing great service. Students made and distributed gift bags and served dessert, compliments of Millie’s Table, to St. Anne’s Retirement Center. Also, they spent time making decorations with the residents for ‘Bingo Night’ and participated in the games. Fifteen students participated, and the sponsorship is handled by Rotarian Chris Koehler. Back, from left, is Jacob Barnhart, Rebecca Sitton, Patrick Limon, Sarah Peterson, Jermanee Davidson, Amanda Rawls, Shelly Hillemyer. Audree Hillemeyer, Raquel Samaniego, Cindy Samaniego and Olivia Barron. Front, from left, is Gabby Roberts, Katherine Dang, Alma Marquez and Danielle Harkley.
Rotaract Club or University Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma Christian University 2016-12-16 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Edmond Sponsors Kid Zone at Turkey Trot 2016-11-28 00:00:00Z 0

Singers from the Maisha Project

Singers from the Maisha Project performed at an Edmond Rotary meeting, along with the inspiration story of its founder Beatrice Williamson, in red – orphaned at 9 in Keya, sponsored by a Swedish missionary, her arrival in the United States and eventual creation of establishing an orphanage, educational center and housing for her village and its environs, including partnership with Water4 and other groups to provide water and job training. Rotarians pictured, with nametags, are Jeanean South and Mitzi Hancuff with Greg White, in back.
Singers from the Maisha Project 2016-11-08 00:00:00Z 0
Edmond Rotary Club hosts the annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser at Flattire Burgers 2016-11-08 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond for a Pancake Breakfast

Posted on Oct 21, 2016
Please join the Rotary Club of Edmond for a Pancake Breakfast benefiting Coats for Kids.  October 22, 2016 at Flatire Burgers. 318 East Ayers Street.  Edmond Oklahoma,  73013
Great food and fun for all!!!
Flatire Burgers 318 E. Ayers Street Edmond, OK 73013
$8.00 per person
Rotary Club of Edmond for a Pancake Breakfast DLC 2016-10-22 00:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotary Career Shadow Day

The Rotary Club of Edmond welcomed Students from High Schools in the Edmond area as our Special Quest October 19, 2016. Students from High Schools in the Edmond spent Wednesday morning and shadowed members of the Rotary Club of Edmond members at their jobs to get exposure to a variety of occupation and learn more about Rotary and the impact it has locally and around the world.
Edmond Rotary Career Shadow Day DLC 2016-10-20 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond’s speaker, D’Anna Pulliam

Rotary Club of Edmond’s speaker, D’Anna Pulliam, champions the Salvation Army’s Buck$ for Bikes program that has provided 1,000s of bikes for children in need.  Edmond Rotary contributed the funds to provide more than 10 bikes for children this Christmas.  Every year, Edmond Rotary rings bells for The Salvation Army at Edmond’s two Wal-mart locations on Danforth and I-35.  Pictured from left are Community Service Board Chair Winnie Bushey; Edmond City Councilwoman and Edmond Club Service Chair Victoria Caldwell; Edmond Rotary President Jeanean South and D’Anna Pulliam, Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary volunteer and Buck$ 4 Bikes chairperson.

Rotary Club of Edmond’s speaker, D’Anna Pulliam Daniel L. Chavez 2016-08-26 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Edmond Officers Installation 2016 2017 dlc 2016-06-29 00:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotary Club Scholarships

Edmond Rotary Club honored four senior students with a $2,000 scholarship each recently. The club honored Santa Fe High School student Damilola Lajuwomi, and Rebecca Hatton, Sameem Malakouti-Nejad and Amber Pentz , all North High School students.
Damilola Lajuwomi/Santa Fe will be attending University of Oklahoma with future plans to study law at Baylor University. She has a heart for volunteerism, serving daily as a teacher’s assistant for an elementary special needs class, for Special Olympics and through National Honor Society activities. She works for a drug-store chain.
Rebecca Hatton/North will be attending University of Arkansas, studying psychology toward becoming a nutritional therapist, minoring in Spanish. She serves on the Special Care Teen Board, volunteered for the all-school philanthropic BALTO week for two years in various chair capacities, and is on the music worship team for her church and for FCA. This summer, she’ll be a Kamp Kanakuk “princess,: and has worked as summer life guard and school-year nanny.
Sameem Malakouti-Nejad/North volunteers at the Edmond Library, TOP Soccer, elementary-school family fun nights for Key Club, the Bahai Center and the Interfaith Alliance. “It’s 10 times more beneficial to see someone have a better day,” he said. He plans to get his basics at Oklahoma City Community College, then on to the University of Oklahoma ROTC program and, afterward, medical school in radiology. This summer, he will be interning at Emory University in Atlanta in biomedical research.
Amber Pentz/North is an OU Academic Achievement Scholar, where she plans to major in journalism, then law, working for those who have a “diminished voice,” she said.  She is a cheerleader, top-three medalist in state DECA contest, freshman student advisor; volunteered at TOP Soccer for those with mental/physical disabilities, and has served on mission trips to Jamaica and Kentucky, among other activities. Also, she works in childcare.
The scholarships are awarded annually and a good portion of the selection is based on community service and need. For more information, go to
The service organization meets at noon every Wednesday at Mercy Edmond I-35, located south of 15th on the west I-35 Service Road.
The Edmond Rotary Club welcomes any interested party to attend its weekly meetings. Lunch is available for $15.00. Reservations may be made by contacting club secretary Allison Calhoun at
Edmond Rotary Club Scholarships 2016-05-12 00:00:00Z 0

Christmas Luncheon

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Rotary Club of Edmond.  Photos from our Christmas Program and Luncheon.
Christmas Luncheon 2015-12-17 00:00:00Z 0
Edmond Club of Edmond Ring Bells for Salvation Army 2015-12-09 00:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Club of Edmond Pancake Breakfast 2015-10-17 00:00:00Z 0

Pancake Breakfast funding Edmond Rotary Club Projects

You are invited to join the Rotary Club of Edmond for a Pancake Breakfast,: Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015
8:00-10:00 a.m.

Great food and fun for all!!!

Flatire Burgers 318 E. Ayers Street Edmond, OK 73013

$8.00 per person

Proceeds will support the Rotary Club of Edmond Service Projects

Pancake Breakfast funding Edmond Rotary Club Projects DLC 2015-10-12 00:00:00Z 0

2015 -2016 Board of Director Installation

Posted on Jul 08, 2015
The Edmond Rotary Club Installs new officer for the 2015 -2016 year during this week’s meeting.  We are looking forward a great year working in the community and around the world with this enthusiastic and talent leadership. Guests are always encouraged to attend our lunch meeting to enjoy time with our members, listen to interesting speakers and learn what Rotary Clubs do locally and around the world. We meet each Wednesday from 12:00 to 1:00pm at the Mercy Clinic on I-35. Cost of lunch is $15.00.
Cris Price – President
David Hornbeek- President Elect
Rusty Hale- Treasurer
Chris Koehler – Vocational Service
James Kerr- Sergeant at Arms
Jeanean South – Secretary
Barbara Matthews- Club Service
Leah Avey- Community Service
Kyle Thompson- International Service
Jay Buxton – Past President
2015 -2016 Board of Director Installation Daniel L. Chavez 2015-07-09 00:00:00Z 0

Mitzi Hancuff, Recieves Women in Rotary Award.

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on May 05, 2015

District Governor Michelle Schaefer presented Past Club President the Women in Rotary Award for the Edmond Rotary Club. Mitzi is a loyal, hand working and loved member of our Club.Image

Mitzi Hancuff, Recieves Women in Rotary Award. Daniel L. Chavez 2015-05-06 00:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotarians read to Ida Freeman Elementary School Students

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Mar 09, 2015

Image sImage

Edmond Rotarians read to Ida Freeman Elementary School students recently for “Read Across America,” which highlights the books of Dr. Seuss. Edmond Rotary Club ‘adopted’ the school more than a decade ago, and commits to read to every class weekly if not every week. The Seuss day fit right into their mission. Keith Kersten has read regularly for a decade to Nichols fifth-graders. Carol Hartzog, complete with a ‘Cat in the Hat’ hat has read to the school’s first graders for 17 years.


Edmond Rotarians read to Ida Freeman Elementary School Students Daniel L. Chavez 2015-03-10 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Christmas Party Kicks off the Holiday Season ! Daniel L. Chavez 2014-12-26 00:00:00Z 0
Club members Jeanean South and Myron Pope deliver donation to the UCO Student Food Pantry on behalf the club. Daniel L. Chavez 2014-12-20 00:00:00Z 0
Rotarians Ringing Bells for Salvation Army Daniel L. Chavez 2014-12-10 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond sponsored the new Kid Zone at Edmond Turkey Trot 2014

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Nov 28, 2014

Rotary Club of Edmond sponsored the new Kid Zone at Edmond Turkey Trot 2014 ImageImagebenefiting, Turning Point which is a faith based ministry providing quality, affordable housing for worthy families in Edmond, Oklahoma. Our purpose is to develop new neighborhoods and build new homes for modest income clients who work in or need to live in Edmond. To acquire and lease “step-up” Edmond homes to those in the process of qualifying for home ownership.

Rotary Club of Edmond sponsored the new Kid Zone at Edmond Turkey Trot 2014 Daniel L. Chavez 2014-11-29 00:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotary provided 27 Thanksgiving Food baskets, gift cards for Students at Summit Middle School

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Nov 19, 2014

Edmond Rotary provided 27 Thanksgiving Food baskets, gift cards for turkeys and hams and additional funds for fresh fruit for the students at Summit Middle School.

Pictured are:8th Grade Students : Caleb Griffin ,Ryan Chastain, Parent’s Organization leader and food pantry organizer – Lisa Chastain, school administrator:Paula Turpin and Edmond Rotary Club Community Service Chairperson; Jeanean SouthImageImageImage


Edmond Rotary provided 27 Thanksgiving Food baskets, gift cards for Students at Summit Middle School Daniel L. Chavez 2014-11-20 00:00:00Z 0

Edmond 66 Park Rotary Playground Dedication!

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Aug 21, 2014


Rotary playground many years in making!!!!

Edmond Rotary Club dedicated the Route 66 city park playground Aug. 20 with kudos handed around to the City of Edmond staff and the numerous funders of the project.

The club partnered with the Rotary district office, international office, 35 local donor Rotarians and a Rotary Club in Fortaleza-Planalto, Brazil to raise the $46,000, not to mention the services provided at no charge by the city and parks department to build the playground at the not-yet-opened amateur softball park on State Highway 66.

The project was four-and-a-half years in the making, after the city bought a 146-acre flood plain to repurpose for the $6 million park and ball fields in 2007.  Two years ago, ground was broken and phase I has four fields, a concession stand and the playground. The fields are not yet open, and the playground needs a special net over it to prevent fly balls from hurting children and a special safety-surface on the playground field installed.

Jay Buxton, this year’s president of the Club, was the inspiration behind the Rotary playground seven years ago. It was designed by member David Hornbeek, and furnished by Shan Shepard and his wife, owners of Noah’s Park and Playgrounds, which worked “tirelessly” to accommodate the needs of the club and the city, said Buxton.

Buxton also credited granite provider Brian Cogbill for helping with the granite stone for the plaque, and ensuring it did not look like a “gravestone.”

The playground was dedicated to the children who will enjoy it, Buxton said.




Edmond 66 Park Rotary Playground Dedication! Daniel L. Chavez 2014-08-22 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Aug 18, 2014

ImageWe will NOT be meeting at Mercy I-13 Edmond tomorrow as we will having our regular meeting out at Route 66 Park--specifically at the new playground.  We will have lunch out there (catered by MILLIE'S!!) and our program will be the official playground dedication.  The playground was a project co-sponsored by our club and the Rotary Club of Fortaleza-Planalto, Brazil, and its completion is certainly an event to celebrate!! 

The playground is not air conditioned :), and this, of course, is turning out to be the hottest week of the summer (sometimes things just don't go according to plan. . .)--so please dress sensibly and join us for a good meal and fellowship together.  And feel free to bring guests to show off our project!

                               For directions to the playground:,-97.353716&z=14&t=m&hl=en-US&gl=US&mapclient=embed&q=post+road+and+route+66,+Edmond,+OK+73003


Rotary Club of Edmond is sponsoring the Kids Zone at the Edmond Turkey Trot supporting Turning Point Ministries Daniel L. Chavez 2014-07-30 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Edmond Meeting at Mercy Clinic I-35 starting July 16 Daniel L. Chavez 2014-07-11 00:00:00Z 0

Jay Buxton , elected President of Edmond Rotary

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Jun 26, 2014

Local attorney Jay Buxton was selected as the organization’s new president, succeeding Daniel Chavez, local insurance representative, who remains on the Rotary Board as immediate past president.

New to the board of directors for the upcoming year are Edmond architect David Hornbeek, club secretary; Myron Pope, vice president/student affairs at University of Central Oklahoma and Melissa Mahaffey, executive director of Touchmark at Coffee Creek. ImageRemaining board members are president-elect Cris Price; treasurer Rusty Hale, James Kerr, Victoria Caldwell, and Jeanean South.

For more about the Edmond club, go to The club welcomes any interested party to attend its weekly meetings at its new location at Mercy Clinic, 2017 W. 8-35 Frontage Road, beginning July 16. Lunch is available for $15. Reservations may be made by contacting club secretary Allison Calhoun at

Jay Buxton , elected President of Edmond Rotary Daniel L. Chavez 2014-06-27 00:00:00Z 0

Roark Edmond Rotarian of the Year

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Jun 26, 2014

Stan Kelley, last year’s Edmond Rotarian of the Year, nominated this year’s honoree, Mike Roark, executive director of the Edmond Y.Image

Roark Edmond Rotarian of the Year Daniel L. Chavez 2014-06-27 00:00:00Z 0
Oklahoma State Senator Clark Jolley speaks to Edmond Rotary Club Daniel L. Chavez 2014-05-29 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond is accepting applications for RYLA summer leadership camp! MAY 28, 2014 DEADLINE!!

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on May 21, 2014

We are currently accepting applications for this year's RYLA camp. High school students who will complete their sophomore year before summer break are eligible. This is a Youth Leadership camp that our Rotary District has sponsored for many years. I have attached information regarding the camp as well as the application form. Although we are working with high school counselors, if you know of any good candidates, please forward them this information and have them send the completed applications with all of the appropriate signatures to Natalie Bonney at by Wednesday, May 28th.

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is a program that originated with Rotary International and has subsequently been specifically designed by Rotary District 5750 for the students in Oklahoma. RYLA encourages servant leadership in youth by recognizing and rewarding deserving 11th grade students who are chosen to attend RYLA as an "award" for their past and present leadership and service activities. These select young people attend an all-expenses-paid camp where they are inspired by a diverse group of exceptional speakers, make life-long friends through fellowship activities, and discuss the ethical and social issues of today. These activities are conducted in an atmosphere of trust and respect. The result is that these students return to their schools and communities motivated to take on additional leadership roles and to find additional ways to serve.

RYLA's intent is to encourage students to be more effective servant leaders. RYLA is not a camp intended to teach leadership skills (it is assumed that the students in attendance already possess those skills), however the following topics naturally arise in the course of RYLA activities and discussions:

Fundamentals of leadership
Ethics of positive leadership
Qualities of a "servant leader"
Importance of communication skills in effective leadership
Conflict management and problem solving
Building self-esteem and self confidence
Elements of community and global citizenship
Rotary's purpose of service to the community and worldImage

Rotary Club of Edmond is accepting applications for RYLA summer leadership camp! MAY 28, 2014 DEADLINE!! Daniel L. Chavez 2014-05-22 00:00:00Z 0

Oklahoma State Senator Clark Jolley speaks to Edmond Rotary Club May 28, 2014

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on May 20, 2014

A native Oklahoman, State Senator Clark Jolley has been a leader for conservative principles in Oklahoma's state government and in Washington, D.C.  Whether as the author of major legislation to reduce taxes, balance the budget, or protect the lives of the unborn, Clark is the proven conservative leader we can count on.

 Clark Jolley was elected to the Oklahoma State Senate in 2004, and has been a consistent, conservative leader since being elected.  A budget hawk who has led the efforts to consolidate numerous government agencies and eliminate waste in Oklahoma's budget, Clark has served as Chairman of the State Senate Appropriations Committee, a position in which he led the fight to reduce Oklahoman's tax burdens by cutting wasteful spending and reducing government waste.  He has also served on the following State Senate Committees: Energy, Education, Finance and the Rules Committee.

 In the State Senate, Clark has also been a leader in the fight to stop Obamacare, promote positive changes in our education system, enact meaningful tort reform and implement true workers compensation reforms.

 Clark attended public schools in Del City and graduated from Del City High School. He received two degrees from Oklahoma Baptist University and a Law degree from the University of Oklahoma.

Clark and his wife, Verlyne, live in Edmond, and have two children in Edmond public schools. They are active in the community and in Henderson Hills Baptist Church, where Clark has been on the Worship Ministry staff since 1990. An educator with a passion for teaching, Clark is an Adjunct Professor at Oklahoma Christian University where he teaches in the MBA Program.


Return to top of pageImage

Oklahoma State Senator Clark Jolley speaks to Edmond Rotary Club May 28, 2014 Daniel L. Chavez 2014-05-21 00:00:00Z 0

School 'adoption' by Rotary includes reading weekly to all students!

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on May 19, 2014

Each year, Edmond Rotary Club 'adopts' Ida Freeman Elementary School in many ways -- donating books each week to their library, sponsoring the chess club, providing food over the holidays and providing test monitors in the spring, just to name a few.

One of the most visible programs involves the annual "Rotary Reader" effort. Each year for the last  severalImage years, a Rotarian is assigned to a classroom for the entire year, and reads a book to that class weekly or every other week. In recent years, every elementary class had a 'Rotary Reader." That's a lot of classes, from kindergarten to fifth grade.

If you would like to know more about Rotary, the service organization meets at noon every Wednesday at Henderson Hills Baptist Church, located at 15th and the east I-35 Service Road. The Edmond Rotary Club welcomes any interested party to attend its weekly meetings. Lunch is available for $12.50. Reservations may be made by contacting club secretary Allison Calhoun at


School 'adoption' by Rotary includes reading weekly to all students! Daniel L. Chavez 2014-05-20 00:00:00Z 0
Ken Fergeson speaks to Rotary Club of Edmond Wednesday , May 21, 2014.. We meet each week at Henderson Hill Baptist Church from 12:00 to 1:00pm Daniel L. Chavez 2014-05-20 00:00:00Z 0
Patrice Douglas speaks to Edmond Rotary..May 14, 2014 Daniel L. Chavez 2014-05-13 00:00:00Z 0
Mike Garrett speaks to Rotary Club of Edmond Daniel L. Chavez 2014-05-07 00:00:00Z 0

COATS FOR KIDS..Rotary Club of Edmond Fundraiser and Social Friday, May 16th

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on May 05, 2014


Friday, May 16th, at 6:30 p.m., enjoy wine tasting, great food and fellowship at Clauren Ridge Vineyard and Winery.  Cost: $75 per person, to support our annual Coats for Kids campaign. 

Tickets are available each Wednesday at weekly luncheon or contact Daniel Chavez 405-942 8867

COATS FOR KIDS..Rotary Club of Edmond Fundraiser and Social Friday, May 16th Daniel L. Chavez 2014-05-06 00:00:00Z 0

Ida Freeman Elementary Chess Club schools Edmond Rotarians

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Apr 29, 2014
Rotary Club of Edmond has been a long time partner and supporter of Ida Freeman Elementary. Rotarians are shown taking lessons and competing with this nationally ranked students that will travel to Dallas for competition in May. The Edmond Rotary Club and its membership have provided several thousand dollars over the past several years to offset the travel cost for this team. — at Ida Freeman Chess.ImageImageImageImage
Ida Freeman Elementary Chess Club schools Edmond Rotarians Daniel L. Chavez 2014-04-30 00:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotary Club recognized Gooden Group with the ‘Four-Way Test’ award

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Apr 14, 2014


Edmond Rotary Club recognized Gooden Group with the ‘Four-Way Test’ award for exhibiting the four overriding principles of Rotary to a non-member business – truthful, fair, beneficial and promotes goodwill. Andy Lester, former Rotary president, nominated Brent Gooden, left, wife, Valerie, and their company. ‘No matter how controversial the issue, he puts these principles to practice, even in private when no one is looking,’ Lester said.


Edmond Rotary Club recognized Gooden Group with the ‘Four-Way Test’ award Daniel L. Chavez 2014-04-15 00:00:00Z 0

Edmond Rotary Club honored four senior students with a $2,000 scholarship each recently.

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Apr 03, 2014

The club honored Santa Fe students Annamarie Jiwa and Travis Christensen, Tessa Goetz of Memorial and Aubrey Haas of North High school.

Tessa Goetz has a great love of the arts with young children. She served as an art instructor to elementary students at the Fine Arts Institute of Edmond, and she submitted her artwork for sale at an auction which benefited Limbs for Life. She has been a Youth Volleyball coach at the Y, helped a church in Louisville, KY repair dilapidated homes, and sponsored the education of a 9-year-old Filipino girl. And she is a leader – co-creating a charity project for Memorial’s DECA classes to collect hundreds of clothing donations for Cross and Crown Church, just to name a few.

Travis Christensen’s middle name is leadership. He is co-editor of the Santa Fe student newspaper, First Christian junior deacon, recipient of Kiwanis Leadership Camp Scholarship, Youth Group leadership team and Varsity Tennis team. He has volunteered at: Breakfast on Boulevard outreach program for 100 homeless and poverty-stricken; and Tiger Club tutoring program of Central Middle School kids at First Presbyterian; and Jesus House; and distributed free school supplies to needy families in Edmond.

Annamarie Jiwa has a goal, and she plans to achieve it. Thus far, she’s accomplished McDonald’s crew trainer, Character Counts recipient, 1st place in DECA state contest in entrepreneurship; Founder and president of the Santa Fe German Club, leadership role in Heather Harkness Memorial events, and selectee for United Methodist Young Women’s Leadership Conference. Her junior year, she moved to Washington State to care for her critically ill uncle. It was difficult to leave friends and family. But, she quickly got involved in the community and school, and became a leader and tutor at Kids Kamp.

Aubrey Haas is a care-giver, not just in title, but in character. During times when her mother must stay for long periods at her stepfather’s side in the hospital, Aubrey cares for her five younger siblings, ages 2-13. She is a leader: North Senior Class president, junior class VP, show choir social chair, Freshman mentor, and is a LifeChurch student leader. Of his former student, David Nichols, Ida Freeman elementary school chess team teacher adviser, says, “She has the rare combination of inspiration, empathy, drive and creativity that only an old teacher can see in a young one,” as Aubrey plans to follow suit.

The scholarships are awarded annually and a good portion of the selection is based on community service. For more information, "Like us on our Edmond Oklahoma Rotary Club Facebook Page.

Edmond Rotary Club honored four senior students with a $2,000 scholarship each recently. Daniel L. Chavez 2014-04-04 00:00:00Z 0

Dr. Lori Basey, No Boundaries International to speak to Edmond Rotary

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Mar 20, 2014


Image a native of Oklahoma, grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy and Christian Life School of Theology with a Doctorate in Ministry. She has been practicing as a licensed and registered therapist in the State of Oklahoma since 1991. In the years following her graduation, she has specialized in acute psychiatric care including trauma counseling following the Oklahoma City bombing as well as the New York 911 disaster and the earthquake in Haiti. She and her dentist husband, Tom, began participating on short-term mission trips in 1997 with their first trip to Jamaica. Since that time, Dr. Basey has been to a variety of countries including Israel, Honduras, Belize, Moldova, India, and Africa. During that same time, many hours were spent working in inner city settings with elderly, homeless, prostitutes, addicted, depressed, and oppressed populations. Her most recent assignment has been helping those involved in human trafficking and human trafficking issues especially right here in Oklahoma City. 

Dr. Lori Basey, No Boundaries International to speak to Edmond Rotary Daniel L. Chavez 2014-03-21 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Bi District Banquet 2014

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez on Feb 25, 2014
Edmond Rotary members, Jeanean South, Natalie Bonney, Andrew Lester, Krista Jones, Stan Kelley,Jay Buxton, Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Hale  were in attendance and are pictured with Rotary International President, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burton at the Bi District Banquet.Image
Rotary Bi District Banquet 2014 Daniel L. Chavez 2014-02-26 00:00:00Z 0
David Fisk will speak to Edmond Rotary March 12, 2014 Daniel L. Chavez 2014-02-24 00:00:00Z 0
Edmond Rotary Welcome Samuel and Rachel Hazewinkel Daniel L. Chavez 2014-02-17 00:00:00Z 0
Director of Engineering, City of Edmond, Steven Manek speaks to Edmond Rotary Daniel L. Chavez 2014-01-29 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Edmond provides support for STEM Program at Edmonds Cimarron Middle School Daniel L. Chavez 2013-12-19 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Edmond Members Rings Bells for Salvation Army Dan Chavez 2013-12-18 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Edmond rings bells for Salvation Army Daniel L. Chavez 2013-12-18 00:00:00Z 0
Quote of the Week - Who Said It? Allison Calhoun 2011-11-29 00:00:00Z 0
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? Allison Calhoun 2011-11-29 00:00:00Z 0
Mark Your Calendars! Allison Calhoun 2011-11-29 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Edmond provides Thanksgiving Meals

Posted by Daniel L. Chavez
The Rotary Club of Edmond  provided Thanksgiving Meals to students families at Summit  Middle School in Edmond, Oklahoma. Pictured dilvering the meals are Community Services Director, Jeanean South and President Daniel ChavezImage  
Rotary Club of Edmond provides Thanksgiving Meals Daniel L. Chavez 0
Edmond Rotary Club involved in Echocardiograph Equipment to be used in a Columbian hospital. Daniel L. Chavez 0
Speaker TW Shannon to speak to Edmond Rotary October 30, 2013 Allison Calhoun 0